A Father's Guidance: Rishabh Seeks Wisdom for Love's Journey

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**Rishabh's POV:**

After ending the call with Swechha, I tried my best to sound calm and reassuring, but deep inside, nerves were gnawing at me. The thought of talking to Swechha's parents about our engagement left me both anxious and excited. I knew it was a crucial moment for us, and I wanted everything to go smoothly.

With a racing heart, I decided to call my dad, who had always been my pillar of support. I needed his guidance, and he was the one person who could help me navigate this delicate situation.

**Rishabh:** *(Calling his dad)* Dad, where are you right now?

**Rishabh's Dad:** *(Over the phone)* I'm at home with your mom, son. Is everything okay?

**Rishabh:** *(Anxious)* It's about Swechha, Dad. I'm leaving from the office right now. Can you please stay at home? I might need your help with something important.

**Rishabh's Dad:** *(Concerned)* Of course, Rishabh. I'll stay home. Is everything all right with Swechha?

**Rishabh:** *(Trying to sound confident)* Yes, yes, everything is fine. I just need to talk to her parents, and I want you by my side when I do that.

**Rishabh's Dad:** *(Supportive)* I'll be here, son. Take your time, and don't worry. We'll figure it out together.

As I hung up the phone, a sense of relief washed over me, knowing that my dad would be there to support me. Swechha's love had given me the strength to face any challenge, but the thought of facing her parents was undoubtedly nerve-wracking.

I quickly wrapped up my work, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The drive home felt longer than usual, my heart pounding with anticipation and a hint of fear. But I knew that this was the right path for us, and I was willing to fight for our love.

As I reached home, my dad welcomed me with a warm smile, his reassuring presence a source of comfort. Together, we prepared ourselves for the crucial meeting ahead, strategizing how to present our love and commitment to Swechha's parents.

Deep inside, I knew that Swechha and I were meant to be together, and her parents' approval would be an essential step in our journey. I took a deep breath, finding solace in the support of my family, and the determination to make Swechha's dreams of being with me come true.

With my dad by my side, I felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Swechha had become the center of my universe, and I knew that together, we could conquer any obstacle in our path. As I looked towards the future, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope and excitement for what lay ahead - a future filled with love, understanding, and the promise of a lifetime together with the woman who had stolen my heart.

**Rishabh:** *(Entering the house with a mix of excitement and nervousness)* Mom, Dad, I have something important to tell you.

**Rishabh's Mom:** *(With a smile)* Of course, dear. Sit down and share it with us.

**Rishabh's Dad:** *(Eagerly)* You seem quite enthusiastic. Did something special happen?

**Rishabh:** *(Beaming)* Yes, something very special indeed. I've decided to propose to Swechha for engagement.

**Rishabh's Mom:** *(Joyfully)* Oh, Rishabh! That's wonderful news! We're so happy for you. Swechha sounds like an incredible girl, and from what you've told us about her, she seems to be the perfect match for you.

**Rishabh's Dad:** *(Proudly)* You've always had a good head on your shoulders, and we trust your judgment. Finding someone who loves you for who you are, not just your wealth, is a treasure. We couldn't be happier for you, son.

**Rishabh:** *(Grateful)* Thank you, Mom, Dad. Your support means the world to me. I can't wait for you to meet Swechha. She's everything I've ever dreamed of.

**Rishabh's Mom:** *(Excited)* We're eager to meet her too! She must be quite special for you to be this serious about her.

**Rishabh:** *(Nodding)* She is, Mom. And that's why I need your advice. Swechha's parents are concerned about our age and want her to focus on her studies before getting engaged. How should I approach them to convince them that we're ready for this commitment?

**Rishabh's Dad:** *(Thoughtfully)* Well, son, it's essential to understand their perspective and show them how much you love and value Swechha. Here's some advice that might help:

1. **Empathy:** Put yourself in their shoes and understand their concerns. Acknowledge their worries and assure them that you want the best for Swechha as well.

2. **Communication:** Open and honest communication is key. Be clear about your intentions, plans, and how much you value Swechha's happiness and well-being.

3. **Future Plans:** Share your future plans, both personally and professionally, to demonstrate that you're both committed to building a life together.

4. **Stability:** Show them that you're financially and emotionally stable, and that your love for Swechha is beyond material possessions.

5. **Support System:** Highlight the support and understanding you have from your family, as well as how they have welcomed Swechha into your lives.

6. **Give Them Time:** Be patient and give Swechha's parents the time they need to process everything. Rushing them might lead to misunderstandings.

**Rishabh:** *(Grateful)* Dad, these pieces of advice are priceless. I'll make sure to follow them and reassure Swechha's parents that our love is genuine and true.

**Rishabh's Mom:** *(Encouraging)* That's the spirit, Rishabh. Just be yourself and let your love for Swechha shine through. We believe in you.

**Rishabh:** *(Determined)* Thank you, Mom, Dad. Your guidance and support mean everything to me. I'll do my best to make Swechha's parents understand how much she means to me and how much I love her.

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