In the vast and distant cosmos, there exists a virtual realm known as the "Star Glitcher: Revitalized" universe. It is a dimension of boundless possibilities, where powerful anomalies called "Glitches" reside. These Glitches are the very essence of the universe's code, embodying unique effects, abilities, and animations.
Long ago, a boundless entity known as "The Architect" created the universe and infused it with the power of the Glitches. Among the multitudes of Glitches, there were 53 that stood out, each holding unparalleled strength and potential. They were the source of both wonder and chaos, and thus, The Architect sought to confine them within a controlled environment to prevent disastrous consequences.
Thus, "Star Glitcher: Revitalized" was born—a virtual realm where individuals known as "Glitchers" could access and control the 53 powerful Glitches. These Glitchers were exceptional beings chosen from across the universe, each possessing the ability to manipulate and harness the Glitches' powers.
The first-ever Glitcher was born from the heart of the cosmos itself—the "Spectrum" Glitcher. As the original Glitcher, they held a unique connection to all Glitches, enabling them to channel the power of any Glitch they desired. This gave them the ability to switch between the Mayhem, Death, Nature, Violence, Purity, RND, Corruption, Unknown, The-Big-Black, Vanta-X, and Chaos Glitches.
The Glitchers' mission was to maintain the balance of power and protect the cosmos from being overrun by the chaotic potential of the Glitches. The Architect envisioned a harmonious coexistence between Glitchers and Glitches, fostering unity and understanding. The Spectrum Glitcher, as the guiding force, was tasked with teaching new Glitchers to responsibly wield the Glitches' powers.
However, not all Glitchers shared the same vision. A group of renegade Glitchers, led by the treacherous "Malifax," sought to unleash the true, raw power of the Glitches upon the universe. Malifax believed that by doing so, they could reshape reality itself to match their own desires. This marked the beginning of the Glitcher Wars—a series of intense battles that threatened to tear the fabric of the cosmos apart.
My custom lore for Star Glitcher: revitalized
General Fictionjust my own custom lore for the game (This is not official in any way its just my interpretation of lore so if you don't like it you can leave)