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Jaeaunna pov
So I see some boys an girls getting out the car around our age so me , harmony, nyree, veah, Gabrielle , and jr. Hop out the car a start swinging of course harmony being the beast she is she making these girls cry and bleed then this girl tried to run up on me only to get slammed on the ground by me my mommy got some strong ass kids☺️☺️☺️😏😏😏😌😌😌

Zonnique pov

So I hear my Crush/BFFL
is fighting so I get my crew an ride out I pull up everybody fighting even Kira nieces an nephew fighting the men especially harmony she fight like a beast x the halk

"Note to self never mess up Kira's life or there will be consequences😨😨😰😰" any way bahja hops out the car an ATTACKS CIARA literally ATTACKS HER SO HERE COME THE POPO Kira whole fam plus her friends plus us hopped in the cars in pulled off leaving the other family there dumb founded

THIS CRAZY LOVEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant