Chapter 1

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The sun was standing high on the sky signaling that it was noon, a cold breeze blew through the open training field. The spring had finally arrived, in the forest surrounding the mountain birds could be seen building their nest and signing to find their mate. The training field was placed on the outskirts of the town near the forest to it led a gravel path in to the town, next to the training field stood a huge old building. The huge old building was used by The Hunter Council to hold meetings and train young as old Hunters to fight and kill magical creatures. The building was made out of stone and almost looked like a small castle, the windows were framed in dark brown wood. In the center at the front was a big old oak door and next to it stood a guard, well more like sat down with a chair and a table and behind him on either side of the door two medium sized windows stood slightly ajar letting in air to the old building.

Hunter looked up at the large old building as he walked along the path, a puff of air came out in front of him as he sighed. The loose gravel under his feet crunched as he walked and calm gust of wind rustled the high grass, the wind was cold but as soon as it had stopped the sun hit his face giving some warmth. He never liked the cold and could not understand why they had to build the town in this location, he sighed and continued walking pulling his shoulders up and shoving his hands in to his pockets.

It always spelled trouble meeting with the council, he wished they could just send him a letter instead but NO they had to meet him in person. But who could blame them for wanting to see one of the most promising young hunter's, he came from a fine line of strong coldblooded hunters. His family was one of the 5 big family's that started the hunt for these beings. Not only that he was also the youngest hunter to finish training at the age of 12, where most don't graduate until they are at least 16-18 years old. He kicked at one of the slightly larger rocks and sent it flying as some dark feelings hit him. Looking out over the fields his eyes lands landed on the training field, kids running around and laughing they looked to be around 6-8 years old. The games they were playing weren't exactly games but training, well for the kids it was just fun and games for now until they grew older. Standing tall among the kids was an older hunter supervising them, a small smile lingered on his lips as he watched over them amused over the energy. As he looked at the smiling old hunter he remembered when he was young and as carefree and got the same smile when he played with the other children.

A lot of the other young hunters along with some of the older ones disliked him and called him names such as stuck up, but he never paid them no mind it's not his fault they aren't working harder to graduate or get hard missions. And it's not his fault that he comes from a famous family, he didn't pay them no mind and worked hard to uphold his family's name.

He walked up the stone steps and the guard at the big old oak door nodded at him and opened it, the sound of an old door opening and the hot air that hit his face made him shiver a bit. He stepped inside and the door closed behind him, he walked down the long black carpet in the grand room to the throne like chairs where the five old men and women of the council sat. For being so warm inside of the old building I sure was decorated cold, black, grey, white and a splash of red was the only color on the paintings and furniture's that decorated the room. Many would say red is warm but for Hunters it was the color of death and killing and that makes it cold to them, even the council wore black robes. Black is the color that signals that they are hunters that and the mask and weapons they carry.

Hunter knelt down on one knee and placed his right fist one his heart in front of the small steps leading up to the chairs the council was sitting on.

"We have called you here today to give you a special mission, all the info you need is written in the letter." one of the council woman gestured to one of the servants holding a silver tray, on it was a letter with a black seal. The servant stepped forward and Hunter reached for the letter and put it in his chest pocket, the servant stepped back and the council waited for him to leave the room. When the servant left the room one of the council men looked at Hunter.

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