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BENNY LOVED sleeping over at his best friends' houses. Typically, it was Stu's because Mr. Loomis was a jerk. There was something about spending time with his favorite people without the disturbances of others that made Benny overjoyed. They did it so much that at this point, they could just show up at each other's houses with no context.

That was exactly what Benny did that evening. The teen had barely stopped at home to fill a bag of clothes, only snatching a toothbrush before leaving. Stu already had a whole section of his closet dedicated to him and Billy. Just the thought sent a warm smile hooking at the brunet's lips as he knocked on the door.

Stu was slow to answer but was quick to grin and wrap Benny in a hug once he opened the door. It was like they hadn't seen each other just half an hour ago at school.

"Benny bear!" The blond exclaimed, lifting Benny off his feet with how strong the embrace was.

The smaller boy positively melted, nuzzling his face softly against Stu's cheek. He greeted the other happily. "Hey, Stu."

Stu had placed the other down before grabbing up his hand and leading the other into the house. Benny breathed in Stu's natural scent greedily as they made their way to the sofa. The blond teen sat first and then tugged his friend down to sit beside him. They were so close that Benny was almost on his lap.

"You staying over?" Stu questioned, face snuggled in Benny's soft curling hair.

Benny's scent was probably Stu's favorite scent of all times alongside Billy's musk. The only thing better was when the two of them were mixed. Unfortunately, this only really happened when they slept in the same bed. After nights like those, Stu would stick his face into the blankets and basically suffocate himself in the pleasant smell.

Benny nodded, allowing his head to rest on the taller boy's chest. "Yeah, dad's worried 'm gonna get killed."

Stu let out a chuckle but took on a mock-serious look. "Don't worry, bud. You're in safe hands. I'll protect you!" He declared valiantly, a hand to his heart.

The brunet fake swooned and said in a silky voice similar to a helpless maiden. "Oh, thank you, my knight in shining armor!"

Benny caught the dusting of pink on Stu's cheeks and couldn't help his own flush. They stared at each other for a few moments before Stu snorted, causing the both of them to burst out into joyful laughter.

"It's not funny!" Benny whined playfully.

"Of course it is Princess Benny, swoon some more for your dear knight!" The blond cackled.

The other boy huffed and crossed his arms. "Hmph. I'm gonna call Prince Billy to beat you up!"

"You can try." Stu stuck his tongue out, and he teased.

NIGHT FELL quickly. The sun had all but disappeared while the moon rose just beyond the horizon. The living room was doused in darkness with only the television playing The Outsiders for light. The two boys were cuddled on the couch. Stu was splayed comfortably, long limbs going everywhere, and soft snores falling from his mouth. Benny had found his way into his blond friend's lap, curled up and letting out sleepy mutters.

Homework was scattered across the table beside soda cans and chip bags. The movie was only a soft hum in the otherwise quiet atmosphere.

Unbeknownst to the two sheltered in the Macher home, their best friend was arrested as the Ghostface killer just across town.

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