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CASEY BECKER was found dead, tied to a tree outside her home, ruthlessly disemboweled. Alongside her was Steve Orth, her longtime boyfriend. The boy was found tied to a chair with serious injuries but was killed by a large slash through his sternum. All available police officers were immediately dispatched to the Becker home.

Benny had been one of the first to know about the murder. He had just been having dinner with his father as the man was off work for once. The boy had spent the entire past two days paranoid about something happening. So much so faint purple marks began to make itself known under his eyes. Even Randy had begun to take notice of the boy's sudden skittishness and had been sending him concerned looks for the last couple of days

But, ultimately, nothing had happened. There were no sudden deaths of the people he cared for, nor was his life threatened. No more threatening phone calls came in either.

Just as he had begun to calm down in the presence of his dad and assume that the calls were just creepy pranks, his dad was radioed.

Daniel had barely said a word after the call came in, merely striding into his bedroom. Benny had watched in confusion at the abrupt action. His appetite was long gone as he watched his dad scramble around to get ready. It was almost like the man forgot he was there.

Just as his dad's hand brushed the front door knob, Benny spoke up. "Dad…? Is something wrong?"

The man turned back, and Benny was stunned by the serious look in his eyes. Gone was the awkwardness and clumsy affection. Daniel's voice was clear as he warned: "There has been murder. Lock the doors and don't let anyone in."

The boy only stared at him with wide eyes, terrified. Daniel didn't notice, only getting angry that Benny wasn't answering. "Jesus, boy. I'm serious, don't fucking answer the door."

Benny just watched. His head was racking in panic. Had he been the cause of the murder? Was he the reason someone was dead? Should he tell his dad? Would his dad die if he told him? What should he–?

"Answer me, boy!" Daniel roared, suddenly in front of Benny with his hand gripping the teen's shoulder.

The boy flinched and cowered back in fear. He latched his eyes to the ground and nodded vehemently. "Y-yes, sir." Benny stuttered quietly.

Daniel let go with a faint tired sigh.

Benny didn't look up until he heard the footsteps disappear and the door open and close.

Let's just say, he didn't get any sleep that night either.


" JESUS, MAN. You look like crap." This was the first thing Randy Meeks said to him when Benny stumbled into school the next morning. Benny offered him a plaintive eyeroll and mulled over to his locker.

"I'm serious though, Ben." The ginger continued, stepping closer to lean on the locker beside Benny's. "Is it the murders? Your dad's a cop, yeah–?"

"No one likes a Nosey Nancy, Randy." Stu was suddenly beside the two, slinging an arm around his shorter best friend. He stuck his tongue out at Randy in a teasing way.

Benny sighed in relief and sunk into Stu's larger frame. Although it was small, Benny smiled up at his best friend. The past few days he's found himself pulling away from his friends out of guilt and fear. The boy could tell Stu noticed as his embrace was much tighter than usual. Additionally, the look he dealt Randy was not at all friendly.

"Jeez, just tryna' help out." Randy scoffed and stuck out his hands in surrender. He had always been a bit disturbed by Stu and Billy's friendship with Benny. It always felt ambiguous and the teen was certain there was something more happening.

It was obvious even now. Stu had waltzed right up to him and Benny and staked his claim right in his face. Billy wasn't any different, and would often glare at him whenever he got too close to their smaller brunet friend. It struck all the wrong nerves in Randy who was well acquainted with their girlfriends. Hell, he thought, if they like Benny they should just leave their girlfriends; not string them along. Especially Sidney. God, he loves Sid–

"Thanks, Rands. I'm good though." Benny offered his friend a tight smile, clearly seeing the offense on his face when Stu sniped at him. "See ya' at lunch."

Benny walked away with Stu attached to him. In fact, he was more so slumped in the blond's hold. The last few days have just been exhausting and in the comfort of his long time best friend, Benny was safe to just melt.

"You sure you're alright, Benny?" Stu questioned while leaning his head to rest in the shorter's curly hair. He smelled him happily, relishing in the vanilla scented hair wash and Benny's natural citrus smell.

Benny hummed, "M'alright." He leaned in closer to Stu, anymore and his face would be entirely submerged into the other boy's sweater.

"Okay." Stu didn't investigate further and Benny was glad. They simply enjoyed each other's presence as they walked slowly to class.

SECOND PERIOD Benny was called to the principal's office for a routine questioning on the murder of Casey and Steve. This was the class he shared with Billy, but the boy had yet to return from his own meeting. Nervously, Benny stood from his desk and slowly made his way to the main office.

The thoughts were wild in his head. Some were telling him to tell the police everything, the phone calls and all. While the others screamed he'd only put more people in danger if he did. The frustration brought tears to his eyes and Benny scrubbed at them vigorously. It was only when he caught sight of Billy and Stu that his vision and mind cleared.

Benny quickened his pace and slammed into Billy's chest, wrapping himself around the older boy like a koala. He felt the other's chest rumble with laughter and a hand come up to pat his head while an arm circled his shoulders. "What's wrong, bub?" Billy asked, lightly rocking them like he always did when they hugged.

The motion calmed Benny enough for him to mumble out a sentence. "M'worried."

"Why's that, Benny Bear?" Stu chimed in. Benny relaxed further when he felt the other press his warm chest to his back. He was unable to see the looks exchanged between his best friends from where his head was tucked into Billy's front.

"Coppers scare me." The boy lied, tightening his grip on Billy in a silent apology. Damn it, he hated lying to them.

The older brunet laughed again and Benny could feel the hot air brush against his forehead. A small blush worked its way to his cheeks at the feeling.

"Your dad's a cop, Benny." Stu also chuckled when he mentioned this.

Exactly, Benny thought to himself. He didn't answer verbally, only burrowing himself deeper into Billy's welcoming arms.

"Don't worry, alright?" Billy's gruff voice found his ears. "You didn't kill nobody. Lie if need be, but you ain't off anybody. If anyone gives you trouble, tell me or Stu. We'll take care of it, yeah?"

"Yeah no worries, bud. Me and Billy got you. Remember, 10 years and counting." Stu's dimpled grin made Benny's ears feel warm.

The words made the anxieties disappear and a soft grin lifted on his pink lips. Benny glanced up at them with a look of pure fondness that made Stu and Billy weak at the knees. Unconsciously the shorter teen reached up to peck their cheeks before slipping into the principal's office.

If Billy and Stu needed to wait out another ten minutes for their flush to calm down before they went back to class, no one would know but them.

red speaks!

2K!!! Thank you so much for reading to this point!

Lub u <3

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