3 - Bright

57 9 10

"I better be overreacting."

You knocked relentlessly on Touya's door. It'd been a week since you'd seen each other and you missed him, enough to try calling him a couple of times.

The first few calls had been last night. He didn't pick up and you brushed it off, chalking it up to him being asleep. You called him the next morning and no response again. This time, the phone didn't even ring. You went straight to voicemail. Something felt off then. 

You paused at the sound of the door being unlocked from the other side. It opened and you laid eyes on a perfectly fine Touya, which prompted you to let out a relieved sigh.

You had been overreacting.

Touya's eyes lit up at your unnanounced presence. It was a pleasant surprise, even when you immediately berated him.

"Touya, what the hell?! Can you not pick up a phone?!", you grilled. There was no ill-intent behind it. In any other person's eyes, you were irrationally worked up. He knew that wasn't the case. As the one person who gave a damn about his sobriety, Touya knew what your anxious aggression was about. 

He wasn't planning on relapsing anytime soon. Not when it worried you sick.

It warmed his heart and he grinned at the mean look you shot him. Your lips parted at his apparent audacity before he pulled a badly disfigured phone from his pocket, your eyes widening and you asked,"You melted your phone?"

It'd explain the automatic redirect to voicemail. He finally spoke up, his voice a little sluggish and husky. His lids were half-closed from apparent sleep deprivation,"Old man's getting desperate to have me there. I blocked his number but the bastard just kept calling from random ones. I couldn't sleep", he summarized.

You stuck to your spot for a second, regret seeping in,"Oh...I'm so sorry", you grimaced,"I didn't know. I probably woke you up, didn't I?"

Touya shrugged, not giving you a straight answer and instead leaning his head onto his doorframe. His slow motions only emphasized how tired he was but he didn't make a move to go back to bed or kick you out. He just stayed there, lazily scanning you over.

The fact he didn't say no still made you feel guilty. You fidgeted nervously,"Then I'll leave you be. The last thing you need is someone else keeping you up, right?"

He definitely moved then. Touya took a step back and brought the door along with him, giving you more than enough space to walk through and nodded towards the inside of his apartment. His eyes were playful,"It's okay. You can make it up to me."

"No thank you", you laughed,"I have too much homework to fight off your advances, real or not."

"Then don't fight them", he shrugged.


"Babe, I'm messing with you. Come in and do your homework since you're already here. I promise not to pounce on you. Not until you ask me to, at least", he added the last part very quickly.

As expected and normal it was for him to jokingly flirt with you, it still embarrassed you from time to time. You couldn't deny the slight ego-boost it gave you. Though, something told you the reason he flirted so consistently was because he knew that.

You barely supressed your laughter and finally walked into the familiar room. Touya took a good second to examine your school uniform. He wouldn't overdo it with the flirting--you'd just set up a boundary after all. As good as you looked, he wouldn't want you to think of him as shallow.

It wasn't just about your looks though. You'd dreamt of a spot in UA for the longest time so to see your happy self prance to his dinner table and set up your study supplies made him proud. If anyone deserved everything they wanted and more it was you. 

𝐃𝐄-𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐃 [Touya X Reader X Bakugo]Where stories live. Discover now