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Kaylins pov

The last couple of days have been great, Nick and I have spent a lot of time together really getting to know each other as we didn't really do that much when we first got together. Today Nick and I were going to meet up with Nick's family at this super nice place along the beach for lunch but right now I'm just lying on Nick's bed whilst he showers and looking at my phone. A call comes through and I answer it.

'Tahls?' I say surprised to see my old roommates face beaming at me through the phone. 'I haven't seen you in  ages, how are you?'

'Good, I'm missing my little house buddy, what about you?'

'Yeah really good people here are really nice, hows the girls at the club?'

'Good, kind of struggling without our star player, that reminds me have you seen the season fixture yet?' She asks and I shake my head 'Guess how your versing?' 

'umm blues i dunno, stevo says to focus on the game and he'll scout out the opponents.'

'YOUR VERSING US' She screams through the phone

'Your joking. Really?' 

'I'm dead serious. We're playing in Melbourne some time over the next couple of weeks.' 


'We're meant to be enemies remember.' She jokes and I laugh looking up to see Nick walk out of the shower and I try to avoid gazing at his abs I smile at him.

'Well I should probs head of I've got plans today and I have to get ready.' I turn my attention back to Tahlia

'Bye my love, call again soon?'

'Of course love you by.' I blow her a kiss and she hangs up 'Guess what?' 

'Your getting a dog?' Nick jokes

'No, but thats a great idea we actually should.' I say suddenly obsessing over getting a dog. 'Try again.'

'I have no idea.'


'That's awesome, but you still have to smash them.'

'I'll try.' I giggle and I stand up 'While you get ready, I'm gonna shower.' I tell him and leave the room. I walk to my room and grab some nice clothes as I want to make a good first impression with Nick's family, then I hop into the shower and wash off. When I hop out of the shower I dry and straighten my hair and change into my clothes, then I walk into the living room where Josh and Nick are watching a footy game that is currently on, I sit down in between them and Nick wraps his arms around my shoulders.

'What time are we going to meet your family?' I ask Nick

'Once Annalise is ready.' he replies and I nod

'Do you reckon they'll like me?' I ask worried about how Nick's parents will feel about me

'They'll love you, how could anyone not.' He tells me and I lean into him, for a while we just watch the footy until Ann comes into the room.

'Sorry I took so long, come on lets go.' We all get up and Josh turns the tv off and we make our way to the car. We drive to the place and Nick grabs my hand as we walk towards the place. Its so pretty here, we're sitting out the back on a pier that overlooks the beach. Nick leads me over to a table where three people are already sitting, this lady turns around and smiles and waves at Nick then stands up and pulls him into a hug.

'Hey Mum' 

'Hi my lovely boy.' She then turns to me and I feel like I'm stuck in place. 'You must be Kaylin, the girl Nick's always going on about.' She says and I smile.

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