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I wanted to fucking kill myself. I was sick and tired of putting hours upon hours into training and rehab only to not get to do any of the things I wanted to do. I was sick of having to watch everyone play footy and have a blast while I was having to do stupid stretches that would apparently 'help' my leg. Well it sure as fuck wasn't. It's been 3 weeks since the scans and I still had five more weeks until I could start running and another 7 until I could actually play. Everyone was getting annoyed at my attitude and I did feel bad but I couldn't help occasionally snapping at someone, or things like that. To make things worse Annalise was in Sydney for a while as she had a modelling thing happening over there so I couldn't go to her house. Her and Josh talked for a bit and she partially forgave him, enough that they talk and go out for the occasional coffee as 'friends' is what Ann calls him but I'm pretty sure they'll be back together in no time. Nick and Josh's training hours were much longer in prep for finals next Saturday, so that meant that pretty much the majority of the week I was home alone bored out of my brain cells. 

Right now I was driving home from the doctors expecting to be spending more time alone. The radio was on quietly in the background talking about the footy finals and who they expected to win.

Lady - Yes its gonna be a cracking game between the Cats and the Pies this Saturday at the G, Geelong expected to win after an outstanding season only loosing four games whereas the pies under new coach Craig McRae have also had a surprising season after finishing 17th last season now 4th thanks to a handful of close wins.

Man - I don't think anyone expected them to even make finals let alone top four but who knows they could be the team that surprises us on Saturday just like they've already done so may times previously this season

Lady - Another surprise is the Collingwood aflw team who has also been going extremely well this season with 3 wins of four games only loosing in their first game against the Lions after the new Recruit Kaylin Beckham was sent of the field with shocking leg injury.

I roll my eyes, can I not go anywhere without having to think about this?

Man - Ahh yes, very disappointing for her obviously as she was predicted for a breakout season looking to return late on this season hopefully in time for finals

I knew I was gonna have a pretty good season as I was at the peak of my fitness, and I can't deal with being reminded of this anymore so I turn off the radio and drive in silence. After a few more minutes I reach the house which was beginning to feel more like home each day. I'd spent most of my time alone properly sorting out my room and hanging up pictures so at night I wouldn't feel like I was staying at the guest room of a friends house. I was about to pull in the driveway but it's already occupied by Nick's car. That's weird Nick's meant to be at training isn't he? I instead pull up by the road and grab my crutches before walking to the house. I open the door and walk through to the living room where Nick is sitting on the couch with the cutest puppy ever wriggling around in his arms. My jaw drops 'Who is this?' I ask walking over and sitting next to Nick.

'Well, I know you're always saying that you want a dog, and I know its been a pretty tough couple of weeks so me, Annalise and Josh thought that having a dog would make it better' He tells me and I sit there in shock. "so surprise.' I didn't think it was possible but my jaw drops even more.

'Your fucking joking with me right now.' I say refusing to believe him. He shakes his head laughing 'Are you being for real?' He nods and I pull him into the biggest hug ever. 'YOUR THE BEST THANKS SO MUCH.' The puppy wriggles around and onto my lap starting to chew at my top I laugh and let it gently chew on my fingers and I nearly die from how cute he is. I'm already obsessed. 

'Hey, don't let him get into bad habits.' Nick points out and I laugh again.

'I won't' I remove my finger and the puppy starts whining 'does it have a name?' 

'Nope.' He replies 'You choose.'

'Fuck, can we call it Bailey please? I will kill you if you say no.' He laughs and nods and I kiss him on the cheeks before turning my attention back to bailey. 'Hey Bailey.' I speak in that voice people use to speak to dogs in (u know like the one u also speak to a baby with) he rolls on his back and I rub his belly but not for long as he jumps up and runs towards the window barking his head off. I get up and sit with him on the ground. He's barking at Josh's car which has just driven up and parked and Josh emerges with his training bag over his shoulder. When he gets inside the house Bailey runs up and starts attacking him and I laugh.

'Hey fella, whats your name?' Bailey growls before running over to me and hiding in my lap.

'He's Bailey.' I inform him. 'And I've officially decided he's my new favourite person in this house' Nick gasps and I grin at him

'What about me, your loving boyfriend?'

'If you were a cute dog you might have a chance.' He pretends to be annoyed

'Fine then, I'll just take someone else to the brownlow with me.' Shit, I'd completely forgotten about that. Nick asked a while back if I'd go with him and I'd said yes (obviously) but I hadn't thought about it since then, even when the girls were talking about what they were gonna wear and all that.

'You have to help me decide what I'm gonna wear.' I demand him.

'No I won't, not if your not going with me.' I roll my eyes in a joking manner.

'Fine I'll go with Bailey.' I grab the dog and carry him like a baby to the kitchen to find him something to eat. While he's munching away on the dog treats Nick or Josh must've bought I take a quick pic of him and post it.

 While he's munching away on the dog treats Nick or Josh must've bought I take a quick pic of him and post it

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we're just gonna pretend theres only 1 dog there


          ^kaylinbeck_ yes tmrw at mine

         ^kyahcater c u then ml

jaseminettavares i want one 😭 @isaacquaynor pleasseeeeeeeeee 🙏

          ^isaacquaynor nope

         ^jaseminettavares plsssssssss

         ^isaacquaynor no u know how much i hate dogs

        ^jackginnivan how come i didn't alr know this????????? @kaylinbeck_ r u seeing this?

        ^kaylinbeck_ 😲Q u pussy

        ^isaacquaynor shut up i had a traumatising childhood

jackginnivan murph now can we get 1 i dont wanna be the only one w/out a dog

       ^nathanwmurphy 🤔ill see

annalisedalins_ omg cute i need to meet him rn 🫶🏽🥺

whispernickydaicos stop hogging him i wanna see him as well

      ^kaylinbeck_  no me and my doggo need bonding time u can have him later

[see more]

hope ur enjoying, im gonna try update more frequently. but anyways thanks for reading love you xxx


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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