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Blue knew today was coming, and yet he still felt unprepared. He was honestly unsure where he would be placed. He knew he would be ok, as there was protection against anything bad happening to him. Whatever was coming had to be better than where he was now.

He took a few steadying breaths. He checked his bag, making sure he had everything, just so he wouldn't have to come back. He looked down to make sure he'd gotten dressed.

He was wearing his favorite hoodie. It was soft and had some logo on it that Blue could no longer remember. All he knew is it was comforting. He placed his favorite star chewelry into his mouth, before picking up his backpack and making his way out the door. 


When Blue arrived, he immediately regretted not putting on his headphones on sooner. He flapped his hands anxiously, closing his eyes as though that would help block out the sound. He knew he should grab his headphones, but he was far too overstimulated to stop moving now. 

He almost missed his name being called. "Moon, Blue." 

Blue walked all too quickly toward the office, nearly tripping on the way. A doctor with blond hair and blue eyes motioned for him to come inside. 

"Hello there, dear. My name is Dr. Ziegler, and I'll be classifying you today," the doctor explained. Blue was still calming down from the overstimulation, but nodded anyway. "Now, I'm first going to run a medical history exam on you. Then, you will have a blood sample taken. After we get your results, you will get a choice of a prize, and then you'll join those in your classification. I will meet with everyone as soon as classifications are complete. Finally, you will go to either the Littles Academy or the Caregivers Academy depending on your classification."

Blue could only nod at the influx of information. 

"Now, can you stand up and hold still for a moment, dear?" Dr. Ziegler asked, offering a hand. Blue took is hesitantly and stood up. The doctor tapped his body in a few places, before Blue felt an icy cold sensation. He stumbled, wondering if he was going to be sick or pass out. "Oh, I'm sorry, I should have warned you. That's just the scanner."

"'s fine," Blue mumbled as the scan finished. Dr. Ziegler nodded toward the computer, before grabbing a few pieces of medical equipment meant for drawing blood.

"I'll make this quick," Dr. Ziegler said softly, before drawing the blood. Blue seemed unphased, as this wasn't his first time having blood drawn. Dr. Ziegler sent the texts away, before looking at Blue. She seemed as though she wanted to say something, but the computer buzzed, signifying that Blue's results were back. "Ah. You're a Little. An L1 to be exact."

"Am I?" Blue asked. He looked down for a moment, before shrugging. "O-Ok.."

Dr. Ziegler frowned, but didn't comment on Blue's odd response. "Alright. I have a few prizes for you to choose from."

The doctor gestured toward a box labelled 'L1' before walking toward it. She opened it. There were several pacifiers, stuffed animals, toys, and other babyish things inside. Blue blinked for a moment. He hesitated, before choosing a plain stuffed bear in pajamas.

"Good job, little one. Now, join the others through the left door. I'll be out shortly."

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