Chapter 8

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Kyle opened his eyes and found himself lying in an open field. He picked himself up and looked around. In every direction, there was nothing but an empty field. Turning his head back, he noticed Lillian had materialized a few feet in front of him. She had her back turned to him.

"Lillian!" Kyle called out.

Lillian didn't answer. Instead, she began walking away from him. Kyle followed behind her. He tried speed walking to catch up, but she would just do the same to keep distance.

She gradually came to a stop and stood still. This was Kyle's chance to catch up with her. He slowly made his way towards Lillian. As he did, black butterflies slowly began to materialize and dance around him. Unhindered, he marched towards her. He reached out and touched her hand. All of a sudden, his vision went black.

It returned a few seconds later. Kyle looked down at his hand and noticed that Lillian was now wearing a black ball gown. He looked up and was mortified to see the dress actually belonged to Empress. Kyle swifty let go of her hand as she stood there motionless. The sky, which had been clear, was now stormy with gusty winds. The green grass beneath them had turned brown and was completely dead.

With the winds howling around him, Kyle watched Empress slowly turn towards him.

"You are mine!" she stated in a distorted voice that sounded like hers and Astrella's.

With a small smirk on her face, she began reaching out to grab his wrist. Kyle tried to run away, but his body just wouldn't let him. All he could do was stand there and watch Empress move her hand closer and closer to his wrist. She clutched it and gave it a squeeze before it all went dark.

Kyle jolted up in bed. He looked around and saw Stan and Sly looking at him with great concern.

"You alright, dude?" Stan asked. "Saw that you were having some kind of nightmare. Sly and I tried waking you, but you must've been deep into it."

Kyle clutched his chest as Sly nuzzled him.

"Was it about Lillian?" he asked.

Kyle slowly nodded, "I dreamed she was right there in front of me, but when I touched her hand, she turned into Empress and grabbed me."

He sighed heavily, "I just can't believe Empress is actually Lillian."

"But you had a hunch," Sly pointed out.

"I did, but I didn't want it to be true!" Kyle corrected. "Deep down, I really wanted to be wrong. Then to hear about what happened to her... I just don't know."

Stan patted his back, "Don't worry. The headmistress will find something that can help her get back to normal."

Kyle softly smiled at him. He really hoped he was right. Stan hopped back into his bed while Kyle scratched Sly's neck to calm himself.

"Hey, Stan, I'm sorry about acting out today. I know I looked completely foolish," Kyle apologized.

Stan put his arms behind his head, "I don't think so. Anyone in your situation would be livid about that."

"You don't think of me any differently now, do you?" Kyle asked.

"No, why would I?" Stan inquired.

"N-no reason," Kyle replied. "Good night."

Stan chuckled to himself and reciprocated the statement. Now having calmed down from the nightmare, Kyle drifted off back to sleep as Sly cuddled right next to him.

After history class that day, Kyle noticed Risco waiting for him outside. He was leaning against the wall with his arms behind his head.

"Hello, Risco. What are you doing here?" Kyle asked him.

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