Chapter 9

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Early the next morning, the four departed Tai's house for Evandow. They reached the school by noon with Marion and Meredith waiting outside for them. As they came closer, Marion started waving her arms feverishly.

"Welcome back, everyone!" she screamed.

"Not so loud!" Meredith warned.

However, she was happy to see the boys return safe and sound.

They landed on the ground and dismounted from their lifeless brooms. Marion rushed over to greet them.

"How did everything go?" she queried.

"It went great. The training was repetitive, but I learned the spell," Kyle divulged. "How did Katrielle make out with the club while I was gone?"

"Pretty well, actually," Marion answered. "Despite her aloofness, she was a good teacher. It even looked like she was having a bit of fun."

"That's great to hear," Kyle replied. "I'll have to thank her later for doing that. I still can't get over she did that in the first place."

"So, what do we do now that Kyle has learned the spell?" Stan asked Meredith.

"Simple. We'll devise a trap for Empress," she replied.

"What kind of trap?" Kyle asked.

"A decoy trap," Meredith clarified. "You'll go into the woods like you did when you first encountered her and have her be lured to you. The two of you will do battle, and when you see an opening, you'll cast Puraxion to purify her."

"You sure he'll be safe?" Stan inquired, a bit on edge.

"I've seen him practice his battle magic; I have incredible faith in him," Meredith remarked. "However, it would be remiss of me not to be on standby in case things go awry."

Kyle nodded in agreement, becoming a bit more reassured in the plan. Meredith then told them to head off to the dining hall for some lunch. As they walked out of earshot, Risco brought something to Meredith's attention.

"What happens if Astrella shows up?"

Meredith grunted, "She wouldn't dare show up around this school if she knows what's good for her."

At the Moonlight Dorm that night, Kyle and the others sat down in the common room to discuss what was next. As they talked, Kyle began to grow anxious. The severity of the situation was starting to sink in.

"I don't know if I can handle this," he whimpered, clutching his wand tightly.

"What do you mean?" Marion probed.

"Lillian's life and freedom are at stake. If I mess up just one little thing, and she turns back before I purify her, it'll be all over," Kyle somberly answered.

Marion tilted her head a bit, "Can't you still purify her then?"

"No, Tai said she has to be in that form for the spell to do any good," Kyle informed. "That's why I can't afford to mess up."

"I see..." Marion softly replied.

"I know you got this," Sly assured him with a confident bark.

Stan jumped up, "That's right! You handle the training of Puraxion with ease, so there's no way you won't purify her."

"Exactly," Marion chimed in.

Kyle patted Sly on the head, "I really hope so..."

His throat was getting dry, so he decided to grab a drink from the water fountain. As he exited the common room, he didn't seem to notice Katrielle was standing outside.

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