Im hungry... (ch. 2)

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All mercenaries were in the meeting room, except for the medic who was attending the bloody girl from last night. The other mercenaries surrounding the circled table. All of them having a puzzled face, except for soldier who had a proud mixed with sternness face wanting to raise the girl to be a soldier like him. It was an awkward silence. The others still surprised that some hurt girl of all things probably snuck in the base in the middle of the night.
     Medic came threw the door. Everyone looked at him wanting answers to see if the girl was alive and what was she. "Well, zhe girl iz alright but, She vas dehydrated and very weak. She also had bruises and cuts all over her body, let's not forget her burns. It vill be days before she wakes up." The unlicensed german doctor explained briefly before continuing.
     "Scout, did jou see anything else before she knocked her head?" He asked sternly only knowing scout and the others for a few years now but still didn't trust them enough yet. "It was too dark to see anything but, I did see that freaks eyes light up in the dark like a cat." The Boston boy said briefly. "Now, don't be callin' people names now boy." The Texan engineer said before continuing. "What do we do with her is the question?" He asked looking around the room to see if anyone who's gonna who would answer.
      "Well, we can't give her to miss pauling. Guessing how she looks. Scout did zay she had odd looking eyes. She had other things that is also odd.." Medic said sternly before the drunken scotish cyclops abruptly asking. "Then what are ye' suggesting then? Let the wee' lass stay with us in this battle with the blu?" He said what half of everyone was thinking. "I agree with leetle man. It is not safe here for a child." The large Russian said putting his sandwich down on the table. "I SAY WE KEEP THE GIRL AND RAISE HER TO BE A MIGHTY AMERICAN SOLDIER!" The soldier practically screamed proudly. "Shut up ye' bloody bastard! donnae' start now!" The demo screamed angrily slamming his bottle of scrumpy on the table. Practically screaming right in scouts ear. "Stop screaming in my ear you cyclops or I'll beat you to death!" The scout said angrily. Making demo more angry, he was gonna spat something back but.. "Now everyone calm down! Stop fighting like children!" The engineer raising his voice.


I slowly woke up, I felt slightly numb again then. I felt My head also starting to hurt from the hit. I kept my eyes shut tightly due to the pain, and I was still too tired. I was in bed and I was under the covers, and I could feel I had bandages and bandaids almost all over my body, I could hear beeping next to me. I moved to a more comfortable position in bed has I quietly groan from the pain from the right leg. I felt very hungry and thirsty but I was too tired. I open my eyes slightly has I didn't recognize the medicine bay I usually wake up too. Actually, I wasn't at the place I was supposed to be. The people here are scary. I softly clench my hand in a fist in slight fear knowing I'm gonna be in trouble. I finally realized the stuffed rabbit I had in sitting the other side of the bed. I move to see it and I slowly grab it due to my tiredness and fatigue. I grab it and hold it softly has I shed a little tear because I was tired and scared. I was confused of what to do, should I stay in bed or go?
        I was basically lying there questioning everything and anything, I was puzzled. I felt like I wanted to cry, but only one tear fell. Maybe I was too scared and dehydrated to do so. The bright lights and unknown place and people made me scared and dissociate a little to much. My mind questioned everything making me more anxious and sad, now and then my mind going blank to take a break from the load thoughts and screams happening in my head. The unbearable hunger and thirst, was the only reason I wanted to get up and move around get satisfy it. The only thing that barely comforts me, is my brown rabbit. I held it softly has I begun to finally try to move and get off of this bed. I groan softly and move slowly, I use my arm has to keep myself balanced. I then used it to lift myself up to sit on the side of the bed.
My breathing heaved a bit has I wasn't holding the stuffed animal, I do wonder how it was with me. It was batted up and seemed like it can rip easily if was pulled. I didn't feel any pain, I just.. felt numb? My stomach growled and my hunger worsened. I slowly slid off the bed to stand. I felt a little wobbly and shaky. I got a little better view of the room. It had blood stains especially around the operation table. Who ever is the doctor here? I then stood completely. I looked at my hands. My claws took most of my fingers, has the dark rough-ish skin fading to my wrists. While my left arm and hand were completely covered in badges. I just now noticed my whole neck was covered too. My vision blurring now and then until I looked at the door to exit this medical clinic. I took a step after another, then I was out of the medical clinic. I saw similar hallways but it was different. I hear beeping and sometimes hear rumbling from the wind.
I wondered a bit until I see a door and I hear people talk on the other side of it. I stepped back, until I smelled food. I didn't know why, but I had a very urge to go in and eat, and maybe have a drink too. I went closer, the people might be dangerous. They sound scary too. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"We need to talk about how she came here and why the hell she looks like that!" I hear one of them finally yell. I flinched slightly has I was half way threw the door and everyone had noticed me. I gulped has I showed myself has I limply stood there confused and very hungry. One with a hard hat and glasses sat up from his seat.
"Hello, there. how are you awake? You alrigh'? You hurt?" I asked with worry has the rest of the people was speechless. Maybe because she is awake when she isn't supposed too? Or maybe because how she looks? It maybe both. I start to get closer to the girl, the girl stepped back, she had fear and confusion on her face. "I'm not gonna hurt you.. what's your name?" I wanted to asked more but she probably felt overwhelmed. She only said something else that didn't answer my other questions. "I'm so hungry and thirsty...." She sounded so weak.. it broke my heart. "Jou need rest! Dumkof! Someone should've stayed with her!" The medic said cursing at himself. "Look at ye little lass..." the drunken demoman blabbered out. "Don't mind them. Lay down on the couch. While the heavy makes you something." I said has I looked at him before he nodded has he stood from his chair, and head to the kitchen to make a sandwich and some water. I helped her lay down on the couch. Has the others were still dumbfounded, medic was lost in thought like everyone else. Heavy knew she needed food. He went to making it almost immediately because he probably dealt with that before when he was living in the mountains.
After she ate at least 4 sandwiches and drink a lot of water, she went back to the med bay and the others were still in shock. Especially the scout, he wasn't been in the battlefield for long after his training but he wasn't trained for this. He probably is confused how a girl wake up so early from a injury like that but she's doing better now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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