drowsiness and Confusion. (ch.1)

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(?? P0v)

       I felt extremely numb and my head drowsy. The bright lights hurt my already sore eyes, I slowly scrunched my eyes open. The numbness quickly turned to pain, certain parts hurt more than others, I groaned quietly. I rabidly looked around the room but didn't move an inch due to the pain. The room seemed to be a locker room but smaller. After a few moments I felt like I was holding something, I softly squeezed the plush and softness that I felt. I looked down and it was a brown, bloodstained, bunny stuffed animal. I then, peered to the rest of my body to realize, it was also stained by blood. I was laying on my side on the cold hard concrete floor. I then moved to lay on my stomach and let go of the stuffed animal. I used my arms to pull my upper half up words. I looked to my other side to see glass doors. Outside those doors, were darkness. I softly breathed heavily has I began to panic. My body was still in pain, but I still moved due to my confusion and panic. I slowly moved my left leg which, was met by more pain. I hissed and my body shuddered has it felt like there was cut.
I grabbed the rabbit toy, and hugged tightly for comfort. I sat there scared not knowing who's here. My mind was racing has I could feel my heart pound against my chest. I knew if I stayed there, I'll probably be in lots of trouble.. The pain went away a bit but I was still scared. I then finally started to shakily stand up. Once I got my footing I squeezed the toy. I didn't remember what happened before what ever the hell is happening. Why can't I remember what happened before? I then started to panic more. I hesitated to the door, once I was close it opened by it self. I saw this kind of door before, but I can't remember how. I looked threw the door and there was a dimly lit hallway. I looked the other side of the room to be met by a wall and more darkness. I looked back to the hallway I stepped out side the door more. Small tears ran down my face, has I breathed heavily threw my nose. I took small, slow steps walking towards the hallway. There was a window next to the hallway on left and it lit dimly by the moonlight. I look out the window from a far.
I stepped closer to window to see a farm like building surround. I then I look to the room I came out of, I couldn't clearly read it. I stared at it has my mind slowly start to calm down but, I was very confused. My body was tired and weak, I walked slowly threw the dimly lit hallway. passing threw doors. When I tried to open them, it was locked. My eyes were getting droopy has I kept walking slowly. My body was getting weaker and weaker, my mind still panicking. I felt I was  going in circles. I then stumbled to another hallway, I wandered to the hallway that leaded to multiple rooms. Five on each side, I chose the right middle door and tried to open it. It opened, It was dark but due to the dimly lit hallway I could see a mattress and a semi dirty room. I froze when I heard something.
"What the hell, its-" A man said has he also froze. My dark figure was all he can see. We stared at each other for a few seconds. I then ran, has I hid behind another corner I then heard the door slam open. He yelled something I couldn't understand. I knew that was my cue to run, so I did run. I kept running corner after corner, I could hear different things echo threw out the hallways. I looked behind me to see of anything was chasing me. I held the toy firmly for comfort. I didn't looked forward which causing me to fall and hit my head. My vision blurry, has I can hear something getting closer to me. I am gone for sure..

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