Chapter 9

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Naturally, Lu Yunfei also saw this scene, he rubbed his forehead and shook his head.

With such a temperament, it would be strange not to starve to death in this era.

"Brother Gu, this girl... you have to teach her. This is the end of the world, kindness is useless for survival."

Gu Chi's eyes flickered slightly, and after a while he said, "Mu Yu, take two bags of rice from the car and give them to them."

Mu Yu obeyed, got up and walked out.

There is no rice in the car, so the supplies are all in her space. Gu Chi said they were in the car in order not to expose the fact that they were supernatural beings.

This is already a tradition every time he goes to the C-level security area. Two big sacks of rice, although these dozens of people can't last long, they can at least cushion their stomachs.

"Chi Ying!"

Lu Yunfei shouted loudly.

Chi Ying came back to her senses and walked towards them.

Lu Yunfei winked at Gu Chi, meaning "Captain, tell me about her."

Learning to be "selfish" is the first criterion for surviving in the last days.


Gu Chi's lips tightened, and he only gave Chi Ying a casual look, but had no other reaction.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lu Yunfei was a little anxious: "Captain, why don't you speak?"

Gu Chi rolled his eyelids, "Say what?"

After all, this girl and they just met by chance, and the life and death of a stranger has nothing to do with him.

He lowered his eyes and pulled the corner of his mouth in self-mocking.

He is not capable of saving all people. Whether you can survive in this world depends entirely on luck. He can remind Chi Ying once or twice, but they are going to leave after all...


Lu Yunfei froze for a moment. He rarely saw Gu Chi's expression so cold.

He was silent.

Chi Ying was a little inexplicable. She was called over, but they didn't seem to have anything to say to her.

She glanced at Gu Chi carefully.

It always felt like he was sulking...and at himself.

Fortunately, Mu Yu finally came back at this time, which relieved the embarrassing atmosphere of the three of them a lot.

Carrying a bag of rice on her shoulder, she said, "Captain Gu, two bags of rice are here."


Almost everyone in the safety zone turned their heads at this moment, staring closely at the rice on Mu Yu's shoulder.

Mu Yu's scalp was numb from the staring gaze, and she let go quickly, throwing the two bags aside.

The people in the safe zone watched with eager eyes, but because of Lu Yunfei's force value just now, they dared not act rashly for a while.

Mu Yu leaned over quietly beside Gu Chi, "Captain Gu, this rice...what should I do?"

"Same as usual. We'll leave it to them when we leave."

Human beings have been hungry for a long time, and it is difficult to take care of other things. But when these people are full, they will start to wonder where their food came from... To avoid unnecessary trouble, they have always given their supplies to them when they leave.

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