Chapter 80

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"Hahaha! Great, great!" In front of a glass window, the doctor was laughing excitedly, editing the data quickly in his hand.

It was a small room, just like an ordinary people's exercise room, but no matter where it was made of the same material as the outer wall, it was also painted with a peculiar substance to enhance its hardness.

Even the glass in front of the man is at least one meter thick, which shows that the defense is very strong.

But in such a strong place, there are traces of damage everywhere. The walls and even the glass also have many pits. Not to mention, you can still see deep fist, palm prints, and claw marks from them, except that these are caused by strong attacks. The fine cracks,

Touching... It was another heavy blow on the wall, followed by a booming sound, a black figure that made it clear that she was a person, but she kept punching on the wall, not knowing whether she was venting her anger or Want to escape.

"Okay, stop." The doctor's voice sounded in the room, and the black shadow immediately stopped moving, and just stood there blankly, like a lifeless puppet.

And because of standing, it is also clear that this person is covered in black cloth except the eyes. The only thing that can be seen is that this person is a woman, and this woman's hands and feet are covered The chain was locked, and it was obvious that the other party's danger level also made the doctor very jealous.

"It's pretty obedient today, but it's good. This is next to his finished product. No, no, in terms of gender, she is the highest finished product. If those big people know it, she will definitely like it very much." Touching his chin, a trace of joy and excitement flashed in his eyes, waving his hand to the side,

"Open the medical cabin."

"Yes, Doctor." The boy nodded slightly, placing his hand on the light curtain.

A place in the room suddenly moved out slowly, and after it came out nearly two meters, it slowly moved up, revealing a door-sized space with an open capsule column inside.

"Go in." The doctor ordered.

The woman walked in step by step. The moment she stood still, the capsule was closed, and the restorative nutrient liquid was immediately poured in. Except for the head, everything else was soaked in the restorative nutrient liquid.

"Well, despite the rapid increase in combat power, the physical fitness can't keep up." The doctor looked at the scanned pictures and looked at the figures on the cut surface. There were a few cracks in the bones, especially the place where the fist was stressed. It’s serious, but it’s much better than before,

"Doctor, I would like to give an explanation over there, explaining the reason for the recent increase in the amount of repair fluid." The boy slowly said.

"Ask so much nonsense, why haven't I seen the fragility of omega yet? I haven't really grown up yet. I don't have enough repair fluid now." The doctor snorted coldly.

"But it's very troublesome to ask questions every time, how can I solve it"

The doctor frowned slightly, holding his arms, tapping his fingertips, not knowing what he was thinking, he turned around, and opened a curtain first. Inside were small glass cabinets with various styles. All kinds, more or less liquid.

As the doctor's finger moves, the glass cabinet will pop up a light curtain, which records the main species information of the liquid. Finally, the finger stops in front of a dark green liquid, and a rare hesitation flashes in his eyes. Take out the syringe and **** some from it. liquid,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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