Chapter 1

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Under the staccato rhythm of rainfall, the telephone pierced the silence in Rahul's room with a sharp 'Trr Trr.' He reached out and picked it up, his voice a blend of curiosity and professionalism as he inquired, "Hello, what's the matter, sir?"

The voice on the other end carried a hint of frustration, "Did you stumble upon anything interesting yet?"
Rahul's response was regretful, "No, not yet."

Impatience laced the chief editor's words, "It's been two weeks, and you're still empty-handed. Why did you make a promise if you couldn't deliver?"

"Please, sir, just a little more time," Rahul implored.

The stern tone softened slightly, "Rahul, we have only one week left until our magazine goes to print. Our readers are anticipating your 'Mystery of the Week.' Remember how it became a hit? Find something captivating quickly."

"I'll do my best, sir," Rahul assured before ending the call, the weight of the impending deadline pressing upon him.

Rahul resided in the quiet town of Ragpur, his family members surrounding him—wife, son, daughter, father, mother, and grandfather. He held the role of a developmental editor at Current Magazines, where his celebrated series, 'Mystery of the Week,' had breathed new life into the publication. A year had passed since its inception, but now, his inspiration seemed to have dwindled, leaving him grappling for ideas.

Dhanya, Rahul's wife, noticed the shadow on his face, prompting her to ask with concern, "Why the long face, Rahul?"

He attempted to brush it off, "Oh, nothing really."

Her voice was gentle, carrying the warmth of understanding, "You know you can talk to me about anything."

"The pressure from the chief is escalating," Rahul admitted, worry clouding his eyes. "It feels like I might lose my job."

With comforting words, Dhanya soothed his distress, "It'll all work out, don't worry."

Later that evening, rain painted a soft symphony outside as Rahul scoured the depths of the internet for a spark of inspiration on his computer.

"Darling, it's time for dinner," Dhanya's voice floated up from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a moment," Rahul called back, reluctantly stepping away from his screen.

In the dining room, his father, Rajnath, conveyed an unsettling news, "Your grandfather seems unnerved. He's not joining us for dinner."

Alarmed, Rahul inquired, "What's wrong with him?"

Rushing to his grandfather's room, Rahul coaxed, "Grandpa, it's dinner time. Come, let's eat."

A hint of sorrow tugged at his grandfather's voice, "I still vividly recall this night."

Perplexed, Rahul pressed, "What night?"

"The night I learned of my parents' demise," his grandfather's voice trembled.

Rahul leaned in, captivated by his grandfather's words, "What happened?"

"Do you know how everyone perished in that village?" his grandpa's eyes held a haunted look.

Rahul replied with facts, "It was due to a toxic gas leak, wasn't it?"

"But why did they abandon the village?"
Do you know why nobody lives in that village anymore?" Rahul asked.

"Because people are oblivious to the malevolent forces at work," his grandpa replied fervently.

"But isn't it because of the toxic gas leak?" Rahul questioned.

His grandfather's gaze intensified, "That's the scientific explanation, but the truth lies deeper."

"Those are just fantastical theories," Rahul's father interjected, skepticism evident in his tone.

"They're not theories, they're truths," his grandfather's voice carried conviction.

Intrigued, Rahul dug deeper, "What do you mean?"

"They were claimed by the Darker Side of this world!" his grandpa's declaration rang with urgency.

Perplexed, Rahul sought clarification, "The Darker Side?"

"Please, let's not indulge these fantasies," his father intervened again.

But his grandfather's intensity persisted, "These aren't fantasies, they're the grim reality!"

Setting aside the conversation, dinner commenced without his grandpa.

Rahul turned to his father, curiosity in his eyes, "Has he always been like this?"

A sigh escaped his father, laden with memories, "Yes, even when I was a child. He dwelled in an imaginary realm, which eventually drove my mother away. We suffered, often going hungry."

"Why was he like that?" Rahul probed further.

"I never asked, but it all stems from that incident," his father revealed.

"That incident?"

Rahul's resolve solidified, and the following day, he visited his assistant editor, Gokul.

Gokul inquired, "Tea or coffee, sir?"

"None, thank you."

Rahul shared his idea, recounting the village's history and his grandfather's cryptic statements.

"You think your grandpa's hiding something?" Gokul mused.

"It certainly seems that way. Yesterday, he mentioned something about the Darker Side of this world. What could that mean?" Rahul wondered aloud.

"Why haven't you questioned him about it?" Gokul raised an eyebrow.

"My father dismissed his claims as madness, so I've never delved into it. But, if you're up for it, I think I should investigate further," Rahul proposed.

Gokul's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm, "This is a fresh angle, something that hasn't been explored in magazines before. I'm in."

Returning home, Rahul's face was alive with excitement.

Dhanya inquired, "Why the jubilation? Promotion, perhaps?"

His grin was infectious, "I stumbled upon a fresh idea."

Curious, Dhanya leaned in, "What is it?"

"Unraveling our grandfather's theories," Rahul revealed.

Dhanya's skepticism emerged, "You can't be serious. His notions can't possibly hold any truth."

Rahul's determination was unshakeable, "That's beside the point. I've found my topic, and now my task is to weave his theories into an intriguing narrative."

And so, the seed of an enthralling journey was sown, bridging generations and intertwining the mystique of the past with the urgency of the present.

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