Question For Our Love~

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Lana was in her car,driving home after spending at least 15 minutes in the store looking for Krab cakes for Nicki. She tried to call Nicki to let her know she was on her way,but to her surprise, she wasn't getting any response. She was starting to wonder if Nicki had even made it home yet. She shot Nicki a "you home?" text. Still no answer. She continued to drive,even turning on the radio at some point to mellow out. Nicki was at home,just not answering the phone. You see,Nicki had a bone to pick with lana and didn't want it to be dealt with over the phone. She knew that if she went that route, lana would find a way to talk herself out of it, like she always did. When lana arrived at the house, she noticed that the lights were on. Slightly annoyed by the fact that Nicki potentially left the lights on when no one was home,she made her way to the front door. Upon entering her home, she was caught a little off guard to see Nicki just sitting on the sofa. She was just sitting there,not doing anything, just sitting. Lana could tell something was off, but she didn't want to say anything, in fear that it was something that she did.

"Hey! I got your cakes."

Nicki didn't respond, just blankly stared at the wall in front of her. Lana went over to the fridge to put the cakes away. She decided it was best if she just continued to ignore the bad feeling that was hanging in the air,as she walked over to Nicki.

"Hey baby-"

She tried to reach out and touch Nicki, but Nicki jerked herself away from her. Lana was getting annoyed with nicki's current mood,she didn't know how much more of it she could take before she got out of line.

"What's with the attitude?"

The patience lana once held with her was now no longer in her grasp. Nicki didn't speak,she just looked at lana as if her question was completely incomprehensible.

"Is that a question for me?"

Lana was now the confused party.

"Or was it a question for the culture?"

Her heart dropped at nicki's words,but she felt it sank even more when Nicki pulled out her phone, and started to read the post that lana had made earlier that day. After Nicki was done,she looked to lana for a response, but she was standing there, with her jaw hanging, in shock.

"Whats the matter? Don't feel like calling me a classless ho to my face?"

"Nicki, that's not-"

"No I get it, what I'm doing is just vulgar bullshit,people would be better off listening to you go on and on about how you want "daddy" to beat you then treat you!


"That's not at all, what my music's about,but ok."

Nicki rolled her eyes,got up from the couch,and headed for the bedroom. Lana still wasn't hearing her.
Lana tried following after her,to try and get her to see her side,but was met with a slammed door.

"Onika!" Lana called from the other side of the door. She didn't get an answer. Nicki was upset, and when Nicki was upset, there was no way around it. Lana turned her back and slumped down against it in defeat.

Nicki wasn't letting up,no matter how many times lana moaned and groaned at the door,she wasn't having it. Nicki's music wasn't just about fucking, and being the baddest bitch around. She had songs about being in love,heartbreak,and bouncing back from hard times, but did Lana see any of that? Not from what Nicki could understand. Nicki hated that lana just saw her as this overly sexual,unrefined "thing". And the fact that lana made that post,and had the nerve to put her name on it? Definitely deserves a little bit of shunning.

Lana cut herself off to think of what she was gonna say next.
"Nicki, you can't keep this door closed forever, I do sleep in there too"

Nicki opened the door slightly,and poked her head out.

"Yeah...about that... you should probs try and see if you can make that a lil more comfortable." Nicki motioned her index finger towards the sofa in the living room.
Lana looked at the sofa, and let out a deep sigh before turning back to nicki.

"Can I at least get a blanket?" Lana let out a nervous laugh hoping to call nicki's bluff,unfortunately Nicki walked over to their bed that they shared, and grabbed the throw blanket that was on the end of it.
Nicki put the blanket up to lana for her to grab. lana hesitated before grabbing onto the blanket, and to nicki's hand before she could take it away.

"I really am,sorry." Lana was being sincere,truly. Nicki looked deep into her eyes trying to see that sincerity,and she found it,but it didn't take away from what lana did. Nicki cleared her throat before speaking again.

"Need a pillow to go with that?"

Lana looked down at Nicki ,and just nodded in defeated. Nicki grabbed a pillow and handed it to lana. Lana took the pillow from Nicki, but didn't move away from the door's threshold.

"Need anything else or.."

Lana stepped closer to nicki,towering her,before pulling her in by the neck and kissing her,hard.

"Lana..." Nicki whispered against her lips, shutting her eyes hoping to successfully ignore the effect lana had on her.

"Shh,we can talk about in the morning, just let me lay with you tonight."Nicki nodded;lana moved Nicki past the door,and closed it behind them. They had much to discuss, but not tonight.

The end frfr.

A/N: not my photo btw,don't know who's it is,but it ain't mine lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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