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Taehyung looked at the cottage infront of him he promised to never visit again. His heart aches at the thought that he was again confined within this perimeter and will probably never come out from this vicinity

He couldn't do more but to sigh sadly as he shuffles forward, his eyes filled with hidden emotion that were so ready to dribble down.

"Sweetheart, I am sorry if I was harsh on you. I was afaird to lose you!" Taehyung didn't protested this time, as he proceeded to saunter inside the house

"Sweetheart" Jungkook again tried but his words were unheeded by taehyung who slammed the door shut on his face.

"I am sorry, I am not couragous enough to keep you apart from me! I know you want that but it is just, my heart doesn't agree on that" jungkook mumbles inside his breath before opening the door and walking straight to taehyung's room where he was plopped on his bed

"Leave me, I don't want to talk with you" Taehyung says without looking at jungkook as he tossed around the bed before pulling the duvet over himself

"Sweetheart, you have to take one more medicine. It will relieve your pa---"

"I don't want, just get the fucking out from here" Taehyung rudely cut him off, while peeking out from the grey duvet

"I will, but first take the tablets. It will recede the pain" jungkook walks to taehyung who furrowed his brows before scrambling on his feet,

"You have caused ample pain, how can you expect that this will really concern me now!" Taehyung shouts lowly while gnashing his teeth,

"It concerns me, your health is imperative t---"

"I DON'T CARE, JUST FUCKING GET OUT FROM HERE, YOU CRIMINAL" Taehyung again interrupts angrily, as he breaths heavily but was suddenly yanked forward by jungkook who looks equally furious now

"I am not a criminal, can't you understand that" Jungkook says as he tried to calm his triggered nerves, his face frowning in anger and annoyance

"You killed that person infront of me and now, you are defending yourself by this statement. Come with an substantial excuse, fucker" Taehyung retorts back as he jerks himself back from jungkook's grip who sighs a little defeatly

"Can we talk it later, take your medicines" Jungkook asked nonchalantly which agitates taehyung more who rebukes by repeating the same remark

"What about that fucking person, he was about to rape you or maybe have done to numerous till now. You are a honest person right then, why can't you give justice to those people too" Jungkook raised his voice while kicking taehyung's bed who was suddenly speechless by the statement

"That is the task of law, you cannot consider yourself above that. It will provide justice to everyone if they come for help" Taehyung states while looking at jungkook who chuckles darkly at the remark

"Really, I came for help but nobody helped me that time. Trust me, everybody is corrupted out there and only focus on piling up there pockets with money and nothing else" Jungkook says vehemently while stepping infront of taehyung," And they are the real sinners. They promised for the wellness of people but they are exploiting their helpless state. I hate those fucking people" Jungkook clenched his jaws tightly, his neck viens popping out accentuately which horrified taehyung for a while

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