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There was an eerie silence all over the gwangjin police station, only pants and heavy breathes are recognizable with the palpable tension by which every officer shiver at its intensity. They weren't used to this side of their head officer, which they just witness. Namjoon went lunatic creating havoc within the building. His anger that he was thrusting throughout his return to soeul went loose as he couldn't prevent it to burst.

There were scattered documents and files all over the floor, tables and chairs that were onces nicely arranged are thrown to different sides of the room, the big shelf in which namjoon personally have put the police station's achievements over these years was all broken while lying on the messy floor.

"WE FUCKING AGAIN LOOSE, THAT BASTARD IS OUT THERE FREE MOVING WITHOUT ANY CARE" Namjoon shouts as he banged his hands on the cabin wall that resonates a Thud sound all over the room

"S-Sir, we still have his partner" one of the officer mutters after summoning up his all courage. There was a pause from namjoon before the said male snaps his head towards him.

"Where is he"

"Behind the bars. He shows a lot of resistance onces he gain his consciousness but everything dies down when he infer, that the basement is soundproof" the officer replies hesitantly before looking at namjoon who stood up wearily before heading toward the door

"Show me" Namjoon says before turning to the basement direction followed by some officers,

"This is the compartment, sir" The officer says while pointing at one of the jail room where namjoon can see a dark shadow, probably sitting on a chair kept in it

"Did you being the key" Namjoon asks as he turned to look at the officer who quickly nods before stepping infront of the entrance, he fumbled in his pocket before taking out a bunch of keys. He quickly tried few of them and immediately opens the door when he got the right one.

Namjoon entered the cruddy little room, his eyes while locking at the sitting silhoutteie at the corner of the room.

"Can you tell us where your friend can be in this time" Namjoon asks coldly, as he saw some shuffling movements before the said silhoutteie stood up and walked up-to him

"Why do you think I will do that? "

"We can free you in return. I will promise to minimize your execution. Just tell me where your friend can be"

"Woh, Good offer but then again you are using 'friend' word to address him to me. You can bribe me but not my honesty towards him" Yoongi says confidently, his eyes stioc and emotionless.

"Well then, let's use the other method. I promise, I won't show any limit in it"  namjoon states before motioning one of his officer to lend him his police stick which the other complied immediately. Namjoon gazes at the adament young man before striking the police stick harsely on Yoongi's shin who fell on the ground, his mouth throwing some profanities

"Are you enjoying your medicine!, how does it taste?" Namjoon taunted before hitting yoongi few more times who tried remaining silent through the torture but somehow he couldn't stop the reflexes die to the immediate pain inflicting on him

"Torture him inasmuch that he couldn't stand by his own. Rest, his loyal friend will come in rescue of him and this time, we will be victorious" Namjoon smirks a little when he saw the widened eyes of yoongi before he left from there with two officers following him after

"How are you sure sir that his friend will come. What if he thinks that yoongi already get away from us?"

"What is the use of media. Spread the news that the notorious criminal, Min yoongi is arrested and now, he is under the custody of gwangjin police station and the police officers are trying to get other information from him by beating him brutally. Mention the last part importantly. Then let's see, if jungkook is as loyal as yoongi is to him" Namjoon says while getting into one of the room, before plopping down on a reclined chair as he closed his eyes to rejuvenate the vitality for the real game

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