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Eleanor loved when the ship flew through space as she liked to see all the different colours of the different planets and stars as they passed by

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Eleanor loved when the ship flew through space as she liked to see all the different colours of the different planets and stars as they passed by.

"Hey, y'all, prepare yourself for the Rubberband Man." she muttered along to the song as her dad sang in a really stupid high-pitched voice.

"Sing it, Drax!" Peter yelled, looking down at the man, who was passed out against his chair. Eleanor smiled as she heard his snores.

Gamora was lip-synching along to the song, with her elbow rested up on her armrest. She was secretly passing Eleanor sweets as the girl's seat was above hers, next to her dad's. Peter looked over and gave the two a look when he caught his daughter and girlfriend halfway in the act of passing a sweet over. They just smiled innocently and Eleanor giggled at him.

Rocket's seat was behind Eleanor's with Mantis' behind Peter's. Groot had his own little corner behind Rocket. Groot had grown up to near the same age as Eleanor - he was 16, she was 17, so the two were very close. Closer than before. Rocket yawned, stretching out his arms and legs in his seat, "Why are we doing this again?"

"It's a distress signal, Rocket," Gamora yelled over the music, "Someone could be dying."

"I get that," Eleanor turned around to look at him, "but why are we doing it?"

"'Cause we're nice," argued Peter, "And maybe whoever it is will give us a little cheddar cheese for our effort." Eleanor scrunched up her nose, she had never liked cheese.

Gamora pointed up at him, "Which isn't the point."

"Which isn't the point," he echoed, "I mean, if he doesn't pony up..."

"We take his ship." Drax interrupted.

Gamora glared across at him. "Exactly!" Rocket yelled. "B-b-b-b-bingo!" Peter added.

Gamora gave Peter a look, and he shook his head back at her. Eleanor smiled at the two, "I agree with Gamora." she added.

Peter gave her a loving stare, "Nobody cares, bean." he said jokingly.

"I care!" Gamora said, "Thanks, El."

Mantis looked up, "We are arriving."

Peter started his pep-talk, "All right, guardians, don't forget this might be dangerous so let's put on our mean faces." Mantis bared her teeth.

Beeps came from Groot's video game. Peter glanced at him, "Groot, put that thing away, now. I don't wanna tell you again," The beeping continued, "Groot."

He lifted his head to glare at Peter, "I am Groot." he replied sassily, and Eleanor laughed as the others were shocked.

"Language!" Rocket yelled.

"You got some acorns on you, kid," said Peter, looking at him and then Eleanor, "Don't encourage him, Els."

Rocket turned to glare at Groot, "Ever since you got a little sap, you're a total d-hole," Groot gave him a sideways glance, "Now, keep it up, and I'm gonna smash that thing to pieces!"

Eleanor gasped as they arrived at the scene to see an exploded ship and bodies floating everywhere in space. It was a ghastly sight and she shivered. It brought back memories. Memories she would not like to remember. The coldness of space was one of them.

"Oh, my god." Peter muttered, looking over at his daughter who was gripping her armrests too tightly for his liking.

Rocket turned his head to Peter, "Looks like we're not getting paid."

A body slammed into the window and all the guardians yelled out in fright. "Wipers! Wipers! Get it off!" Rocket yelled. The body opened an eye and everyone yelled out again.

They threw the body onto the table. He was slightly singed and had an eyepatch covering one eye. Eleanor's eyes examined his body. He was slightly dirty, wearing some weird looking armour, but he was insanely muscular. Eleanor smiled at him, though the man could not see it.

Peter stared at his face, "How the hell is this dude still alive?"

"He is not a dude," Drax commented, "You're a dude. This..." he pointed at the man on the table, "This is a man. A handsome, muscular man."

"I'm muscular." Peter looked offended, and to make his matters worse, his daughter burst out laughing at him.

"But who you kidding, Quill?" added Rocket, "You're one sandwich away from fat."

"Yeah, right."

Drax looked over at him, "It's true, Quill. You have put on weight."

"What?" Peter sounded heartbroken, and he turned his head to look at Gamora, "Gamora, do you think I'm..."

She was circling the man on the table. Peter gawked at the rest of his team.

"He is anxious, angry," Mantis commented, using her powers on him, "He feels tremendous loss and guilt."

"It's like a pirate had a baby with an angel." said Drax.

"Wow," Peter replied, "This is like a real wake-up call for me. Okay. I'm gonna get a Bowflex. I'm gonna commit. I'm gonna get some dumbbells."

"You know you can't eat dumbbells, right?" said Rocket, and Eleanor giggled.

Gamora picked up his arm, "It's like his muscles are made of Cotai metal fibres."

"Stop massaging his muscles." Peter looked at Gamora.

Gamora dropped the arm. Eleanor smiled, "I gotta say, he is pretty fit."

Peter groaned, sounding like he was in actual pain, before turning to Mantis, "Wake him up."

She placed a gentle hand on his head, "Wake."

He shot up, causing Eleanor to jump. His arms flailed about as he yelled out, clattering into the walls knocking things over. He turned to see the guardians, all apart from Groot and Eleanor had their weapons pointed at him, "Who the hell are you guys?"

Eleanor smirked across at Gamora. His accent was also extremely hot.

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