Chapter Twenty-Two ~What Comes Up, Must Come down~

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I arrived at my old house, but I couldnt see Ashley, she must be inside since she made herself a spare key to my house because it might become handy one day. Shit! No one has been home to clean up the mess of inside. I power walked up the driveway and opened the front door. Why is it locked? I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door and let myself in.

Ash? Hello? Anyone home? I yelled out but no response. I walked into every bedroom of the house and Ashley was no where to be seen. What the fuck is going on? She did say meet at my place. I reached into my pocket and pulled my phone out and called her again.

Hey, you said meet at my house Im here. Where are you.? I looked around the room noticing it had been cleaned up since the whole Larry incident.

I said your house and Im at you house waiting. Ashley sounded off tone.

Yeah, I know, and I am here, where are you.?

Back yard.

I walked to the back door and opened it and there she was sitting on my old childhood swing set. She looked sad with her hair draped over her face and he eyes focused on the ground beneath her.

Hey missy moo, whats up.?

she tilted her head up and looked at me with those soft hazel eyes. You wouldnt hide anything from me right.?

Those words made my stomach turn and I felt hesitant to reply to her question. I hate lying, especially because she was my best friend, and she knew everything about me.

Wheres this coming from? I walked over and sat on the other swing next to her.

Anything you want to tell me, anything.

She looked at me with her serious face, that face where she knows something and if you dont tell her the truth or she will lose her shit and wont talk to me. I had a heap of stuff I wanted to tell her, I wanted to tell her everything and cry, but I had to be strong and stay calm.

Ash, just blurt out whats bothering you and what you think Im not telling you.

She got off the swing with aggression and crossed her arms over her chest.

Hmm...let me pick a starting point, ok I start from here. This morning I heard something from Mr Elliss office.

My stomach turn was I busted.

And I just found out what happened to you and that monster. I was starting to feel sick for real. She knew what was going on Mr Ellis and I and the panther situation which I would have to explain.

Ash, look Im sorry I didnt say anything to you, but it is all complicated. Started picking at my nails feeling the anxiety kicking in.

Like I dont get why you didnt tell me about Larry and what he did to you and know youre a foster child.

I looked up shocked. She didnt hear Mr Ellis and I have sex; she just heard the conversation beforehand. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that it wasnt that.

Ash, Im sorry I kept this from you, but I didnt know how to deal with it and I didnt want people knowing, I have had a lot happen to me and I just didnt need my best friend feeling sorry for me and never leave my side because she is scared for me. I got up from the swing and approached her. Im sorry, can you forgive me.?

I gave her my puppy dog eyes because I knew that was her weakness. She looked away to not look at me and give in, but she knew she couldnt be mad at me for long.

Damn you and your bloody puppy dog eyes! Thats unfair. I wrapped my arms around her hugging her tight and she didnt fight it, she just embraced it and hugged me back.

I love you Ash.

Love you to Eden. She broke the hug and stood back and smiled at me, but her smile was like she wanted to ask me more.

What is it.?

she took a big breath in and just blurted it out.

If I heard correctly, Mr Ellis adopted you.? Please explain that.

I stood there hoping she wouldnt ask that question because I honestly didnt know what to tell her, where was Mr Ellis when I need him.

Well-I was cut off by the man I was just wanting.

I guess there goes that plan to keep this a secret. Both ash and I were shocked to see him in my yard, just when we were talking about him.

I havent-

Ill tell her Eden He cut me off again, and honestly, I was ok with it because I didnt know how to approach this situation.

Im the one who found Eden after the incident I went over to speak to her mother about Edens education and that she wont be able to complete her senior year without summer school and extra tutoring. Her mothers boyfriend I assumed answered the door and told me her mother wasnt there and thats when I heard cries of help and I barged in the house and found Eden injured. I grabbed her and took her to the hospital where the police were called, and social services and I offered to take care of her until her mother gets approve for custody because shes an unfit mother. I did what anyone would do and put her wellbeing first. So here we are. Soon as Eden is 18, she can make her own choices if she wants to stay in my house or move out. Ashley, you know this can cause issues and we dont want the students knowing.

He looked at me and nodded at me. Im glad he cut that story short and took the part of where he flogged the shit of Larry and well the real story. But he was quick to think, and it was the set story we talked about.

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! we all turned our heads to see Mason and Talen. They must have heard our conversation. My stomach was back to feeling uneasy.

Mason calm down! Clay yelled.

How did you guys find us.? Ashley asked.

Eden messaged me when she said she heard from you, and you were at hers and Mason and I ran into each other on the way here.

I had totally forgot I had messaged him on my way over. Everyone eyes darted at Mason who looked like he had steam coming out of his ears, there was no words to describe how pissed off he was.

My Brother here, let the class out early and I knew it had something to do with Eden since she walked out of the classroom. He knows how much she means to me, and I warned him to back away, but what does he do, adopt my girl.!

Mason, you know what happened, wouldnt you rather her with me? then in a foster home with people who could dangerous.

No, Id rather her in a foster care with another family.!

I jumped in with rage. EXCUSE ME!! what the fuck Mason. Its not your choice to choose what YOU want for me! honestly, I was surprised when Clay did it without my approval, but it turned out to be a smart decision for my wellbeing. Neither of you have control of me and what I do with my life.!.

Eden sooner or later that will change you know that!

Ahh guys what the fuck is going on.? Talen jumped in between Clay and Mason and me.

Have you told Ashley EVERYTHING Eden.?

I shot dagger eyes at Mason as did Clay.

Mason, shut the fuck up. I was completely fuming. I looked at Clay with hopelessness, I felt attacked and didnt know what to do. With all eyes on me I knew this was the moment to tell everyone the truth. Clay looked away knowing what I was about to do. Looking around I felt completely bare like they were all undressing me with their eyes to see what was hidden. I went to speak but I hesitated to know this was either going to make us or break us. With a deep breath and let everything that was bottling up deep inside me out into the toxic atmosphere.

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