" It was too much for you, wasn't it? "

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I used to think love was something that was irreplaceable. Something I had so deeply wished for.
You were the one who I thought gave it to me, but you just ripped it away from me and I don't want you anymore.
You took what I had cherished and torn it to pieces right before me. And now to you, I've lost the war.
You've hurt me to the core, and now as I relay my thoughts of a tarnished love, while crying on the floor.
For it was our love I had thought would get restored, but I just wanted to explore my options with you and now I'm nothing but sore.

Why was staying with me, appreciating me, my company, my time, all too hard for you? I didn't think it was too hard.
I thought for me you'd be nicer, that you would care for the feelings I held inside. But you were still on guard.
You were the person I had let in from the beginning, I asked you to be mine officially, and you knew I was scarred.
Despite knowing this, you thought you alone could fix me, and that's not how feelings work sadly, you retard.
You were the one I cared about, the one I saw happiness in... until the end when you would never respond.

During our relationship, I felt loved and cared for. Then, within moments, I felt thrown to the side.
I wanted you to understand me, be there for me. Not force me to consume all my time with you. Happiness is the key thing you forgot to provide.
I gave you something close to my heart and you ignored it. Only listened to the songs you knew and wasn't willing to learn new ones. And with that, my love for you had died.
For I had accepted you, my arms were opened wide, and it was you who I gave almost everything I had tried.
You wanted nothing I had to offer, yet another deceitful, disingenuous, two-faced, lying scum. It was you in which I had cried.
You only wanted what was below my neck and waist, you never wanted me. And from this, you striped me from my pride.

As Melanie has said, "You were her desire, now she wants to light you on fire." And that is true, for you.
You were someone I thought I knew and it was a lie. For we never shared the same view, only a few.
Upon review, it was a demanding, controlling, and manipulative relationship we had. So breaking up was due.
For it was you I got rid of, it was you and our memories I had thrown away, and now it's a different man I pursue.
For it was from you I withdrew and it was you in which I was tired of your constant attempts to subdue.

I will never love you, nor ever love you back, and that's okay. It's as gratifying as it is unsettling when I heard you still talk about me.
Good thoughts or not, it bothers me. I wished you well after we had parted, and you treated me horribly.
Like you had already completely forgotten me. So why do you still talk about me, if you had forgotten me? 

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