" My dying song. "

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I listen to the rhythm that my heart hums, the notes it sings with a calming and loving tone.
The way it yearns to be complete and to find that one person who makes it flutter with contentment.
My heart; a beautiful instrument that plays its own melody. The one it sings forever until death.
Once my heart ceases to function, the melody it plays is that of a melancholy one. It hums a tune so sad.
For it has no one more to connect to, it does not have a reason to play such a happy and lively tone.

This strain that this song performs, is what I strive to find; its complement. Something that fills me with immense happiness like it fills others.
When I looked at her smile at me, that feeling was almost instant. She was so sweet and giving.
She gave all there was to give and because of this, her heart's melody grew. And I wanted that.
She was the one I could hear coming from a mile away. Someone who I looked forward to seeing.
For she was my best friend, the only one I had. No matter the place I was, she'd come find me.

She was the one everyone would need in their life. Her melody plays loud above everyone else.
Despite her caring nature, I heard your melodiousness, the kind like that of someone who is lost, yet to be found.
I was there when you needed someone most, and there I will continue to be. I will help you grow your song.
The chords in which you play, soft and easily outspoken. Yet, if closely observed, can be heard over the boisterous sounds of others.
Your tune was beautiful, something I could listen to for hours, something I would sit down and just embrace.

Your lively tune was hidden beneath the sad sorrows that you held and that made me emotional.
For someone as sweet as you, a tone with such a genuine nature, something one could get lost in, hurts me.
Though I may not have been the one to comfort you, I hope I was the one to bring you a smile.
I wanted to give back what you had given me all those years ago, even if it was just for mere moments.
I loved you then, and I love you now. I need you to know, you are someone that I adored for so long...

As I lay awake, my breaths came fast. So incredibly fast as my hands shake, the blade in my hands.
A blade that tore away my song, the one that screamed anguish, the song that filled someone with dread.
It filled my lungs and made my body shake. I'm sorry you had to find out like this, my love.
I turn to look at the door in which you stood, your eyes filled with tears, your song had stalled.
It makes my eyes turn sad, my love being shattered amidst all the love present in the air.
I watched you run close, so very close, my trembling body in your hands as you sobbed.
I rested my hand on your face as my eyes began to flutter shut. I'm sorry my love, for this, is the end... of my song. 

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