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Jisung was walking back and forth biting his lips. minho was in the restroom and the game was about to start. soon after minho came back and saw jisung lost in his thoughts. he smirked and approached the younger with villainous intent. "BOO!"minho appeared in front of jisung out of nowhere "OH MY FUCKING GODD!"jisung jumped on hyun woo was just behind him, luckily hyun woo caught him on time and fixed their position by carrying jisung in bridal style.

Minho regretted his decision to see the site. "Whoa look at the time. the game is about to start!"minho took jisung like he was an object and carried him in bridal style to their location. "MINHO PUT ME DOWN!" jisung gently-no hardly hit minho "OW! Calm down princess. You don't want your soulmate to die, right?" minho smirked and got a glare in return. 

when minho placed jisung down he met with a red squirrel " Omg you have a fever or something"

"no! Now stfu-"

"let's get the game to begin!"jisung quickly grabbed a ping-pong ball and pulled minho closer. Minho placed his hands on jisung's waist pulling him closer and jisung hands around his neck.  They both placed 2 ping pong balls between their cheeks and joined their cheeks.

they moved forward and then dropped the balls in the box. they repeated the action thrice and now the timer was about to off. they sped up it ended up making their ball nearly fall so minho tilted his head in attempt to make the ball not fall and it worked but... 

their lips touched and they knew if they were gonna move their head the balls are gonna fall, they just went towards the box connecting their lips. they dropped the balls in the box and disconnected their lips missing the soft feeling. they both stared into each other's eyes not even noticing how brightly their ring was shining. jisung lips were parted and were heavily breathing and looked very pretty, that's what minho thought and minho looked like a god, his eyes making a hole in jisung's eyes by the stare.

they looked at each other for almost 3 minutes until they heard the buzzer. "THE WINNERS ARE MINHO AND JISUNGGG!" mr park announced. Seung-min ran up to jisung for a high five but he saw jisung looking at minho and the same goes for minho. Seung-min grabbed jisung wrist and pulled him. jisung looked minho one last time in the eye and went with Seungmin. 

"w-what just happened?"minho touched his lips.

mamma mia

love ya~

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