A song of love-hate

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Warning : Not edited 

"I was about to confess at the party only" Minho scratched jisung's scalp gently. "Really?" Minho swore he saw stars in the younger's eyes. "Mhm"
Right now it was 8 p.m., and Both of them were now cuddling in minho's bed enjoying each other's presence "I was craving for this~" Jisung sleepily snuggled in minho's neck. "But...now that I have confessed...Let me show you something" Minho stood up with jisung in his arms making him sit on his lap.

"woah This is romantic~" Jisung looked at him with big doe eyes making minho chuckle "Shall we?" Minho led Jisung on the rooftop where the party was held. Jisung saw how everything was cleaned and internally praised the workers for it. "Now just sit here with your legs in the pool. I'll be back" Minho smiled. Jisung did what minho told him to. He looked around admiring the moon's reflection in the pool water. 'where is he?' Jisung pursed his lips playing with his finger.

Then he got startled by a strum running through a G major chord guitar. He looked back and saw minho with a guitar in his hands. He started strumming the guitar changing the chords according to the scale. Jisung's shocked expression changed slowly into a wide gummy smile. "Minho hyung!!" He cheered. Then minho started.


Blinded by your love love love love~
I hated you at the start
But you crept your way into my heart
From my enemy to my crush crush crush crush~

We never know, We never know
Who your soulmate will be
When we blush those rings glow
Oh god what you did to me

Yesterday was the history
Tomorrow will be a mystery 
But nothing will be more fun than our chemistry~

It's a type of love that makes everyone curious
Now that I know what to do
I am going to say this and I am fucking serious
I am going to say this now and forever that I love you~~" [A/n: By your fucking author]

Minho ended the song with his signature bunny smile. "Hyung can I kiss you?" Jisung looked at minho with hearty eyes. They both leaned in closing the gap between them "I love you" Jisung said after breaking the kiss. "I love you too"

Just when minho said that the water started shining. Jisung panicked for a second before noticing a projecter kind od of thing on the wall. Slowly a photo started becoming visible. It was a photo of jisung singing on the bus when they went on their trip. One after another photos of Jisung came into view in the pool. 

"Woah!! T-This is so beautiful Hyung where did you get the photos from?"



Both of them sat in comfortable silence before minho broke it.

"Now that we are together, everything will be perfect" Mino pecked jisung's forehead "Except for one thing" Both of their smile fell 

"Our parents"

Edit: Be patient everyone, my laptop is under construction:(, I'll update as soon my laptop is fixed.

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