0.1 Start!

13 1 3

The wind blows as the sky grows to a dark gray "looks like it's going to rain" I look at my boss and nod my head, the kind old man softly smile and gives me a bag of pastries.

"Why don't you end early for today dear? You've been working so hard and you deserve a break" I look at him a small smile made its way on my face as I nodded and thanked him for the bag.

I quickly put the apron back and grabbed my stuff. I walked out the store it started to rain I put my hoodie on and quickly made my way home.


Startled, I turn to my left and saw a person laying down on the concrete. 'what the absolute f-' I moved back as I saw blood trickle down from it's face 'theirs no way I'm touching that' I walked away quickly

I stopped and looked back 'no it will survive' I kept waking
Only to stop 'I can't believe I'm doing this' I deadpan and speed walk to the person, I slowly walk closer the figure, it seems to be passed out? I nudge it's body with my foot but get no response

'is it dead?' I go closer to get a better look at it 'omg ain't no way' I look at it's face 'its a fricken turtle, a man size turtle with people hands and a body' my face pails as I look at.......him?

But upon further notice his arm looked like it was out of place, did he dislocate it? I sweat drop at what I'm about to do 'okay Mr. Red masked turtle I can't believe I'm doing this but I'm going to take you home and patch you up' I sigh as I take off my sweater and lift his body to put it on him

'thank god I buy my hoodies in bigger sizes' I try lifting him to his feet but realized there was swelling around his calf 'ain't no way this dude has a broken leg right now' I grumble as I set him back down and flip my bookbag so it's on my stomach 'okay Mr Red, take two'

And some how by some miracle, and by miracle I mean struggling for 20 minutes, lifted red bandana on my back 'god damn, bro what do you eat, why the hell are you so heavy!?' I mentally scream as I start to speed walk home

I noticed people looking at me but otherwise ignoring me as I quickly walk home. Finally arriving and opening the door I look at the clock 'okay, I have two hours till my parents come back home' I then kick off my shoes and walk to the closet, I pull out a maroon colored sheet and walk to my bed.

I put Mr Red down in the corner and toss my backpack on my computer chair. I look at the sheet then lay it on my bed, I look over to Mr. Red and sigh as a pick him up again and set him on the bed 'okay let me see what I'm dealing with' I momentarily sit him up to take off my now blood stained hoodie

'sigh that was my favorite hoodie' I toss my hoodie in my dirty laundry basket. I look back at the man sized turtle 'Well Mr Red you owe me a new hoodie' I scan his body for any life threatening injuries but luckily they're were only a few cuts

I gently lay him back down and walk to my desk. I pull my drawer open and take out my energy medical supplies, I grab a few bandages, bandaids, and disinfectant. After putting the items on my bed I close my drawer and sit Mr Red back up for what felt like the millionth time

I apply some disinfectant on a cotton ball and place it on Mr Red's skin but he woke up.


"Wow ungrateful much?" I deadpan "and be quiet you're gonna give me a noise complaint!" He looks at me, he looks enraged "Oi that doesn't answer my question, where am I and who are you?" I sigh a look at him dead in the eyes

"I'm y/n l/n, but you can call me n/n and to sum up what has happened so far I found you passed out in an alley on the way home and decided 'you know what let me help this person because I have a feeling that he's different!' and with that I carried you to my apartment and woop-tee-da we're here"

"No offense but that sounds stupid-"
"Shut up!"
"Well aren't you gonna tell me about you?" He deadpans "look just cause you helped me I don't have to tell you anything-" "that storm looks like it's getting worse, it would be such a shame to be stuck outside"
"Fine! I'm Raphael Hamato and I don't remember how I got here but all I know it has something to do with the kraang" I sweat drop at his words " I'm sorry what? The who? You know what it doesn't matter right now, I still have to fix you up"

"Uhh no you don't? I'm fine I'll survive-" I shove a roll of bandages in his mouth "just stop talking, bite this for a while, while I relocate you're arm" Raph pulls out the bandage and tossed them on my bed "what are you talking about my arm is completely fine-" he looks at his dislocated shoulder "oh my god I think I'm gonna be sick-" "not on my clean floors!"

I put my hand over his mouth "look I know it's gonna hurt so clam down, the more you cooperate the faster this will be over with" I pick up the roll of bandages and give it to him "now bite this, I don't want you to hurt you're teeth" he sighs and took the roll of bandages and put it in his mouth, he looks at me and nods his head

"Ok on the count of three" I look at him and he gave me a dumb up
"Two SNAP-"
I take out another roll of bandages and wrap his shoulder "okay big red how are you feeling?" He lays back down and looks at me exhaustion written on his face "like crap, but other than that I guess I've seen better days" I sadly look at him "I'll get you an ice pack, rest for now Raph" he nodded his head

I walk to the kitchen and open the freezer and pull out an ice pack. I grabbed some napkins to wrap around the ice pack, I walk back to my room and give Raph thé ice pack "now we have two problems left" Raph peeks one eye open "Ugh what now short stack-"  "Excuse me but I'm taller, you're the short one here red!" He smirks "yeah right!"

I sigh " nevermind that let me see you're leg, the left one" Raph actually complies and puts his injured leg "so how's it look like doc?" I chuckle "well lucky it just badly bruised, so some rest should be just fine" he softly smiles "thanks I don't say that offen so be grateful"

"Yeah yeah, now shut up and get some rest I have to worry about are last problem" he gives me a confused look "and that is?" "My parents"
"Eh I think we'll be fine-"
"N/n, we're home!"
We look at each other

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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