•𝟎𝟑• 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘬𝘦

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𝗣lacing your hands on his shoulders, you awkwardly shift in place. You went together to the dance..as friends. He was your date for the night, but just as a friend. Then why did you feel like you wanted it to be more? Like a real date..not just as friends.

"I hate slow songs." But what rin really meant was being this close to you while slow dancing was entirely to much for him. His hormones ran marathons within his body and he wasn't sure how to handle it.

"I don't entirely hate them." Just as you didn't hate being this close to him. Subconsciously the two of you got closer, and a teensy bit closer--just up until your body's were close enough to touch.

"Then I guess I don't entirely hate them either." A small blush found it's way to his cheeks, not a lot--but just a little tint that he, no matter how hard he tried, couldn't control. He always found himself bending to your likes and dislikes, just as you often did to his.

It was one of the many things you liked about him. In a friend way of course. You'd be lying if you hadn't thought about maybe having feelings for the boy who had his arms wrapped around your waist. But no matter how much you mulled it over--the answer was always the same.

No matter how you felt in the end didn't matter. You didn't want to risk ruining your friendship.

He'd been your best friend forever..so what if the lines between friendship and romantic feeling's are a bit blurred--it was fine! It would all be totally fine in the end.

Until you caught him staring into your eyes. That look in his eyes fanned the flames of a fire in you that you hadn't even known you'd had. You both acted on impulse..it was stupid. Caught up in the moment. No matter what you wanted to label it as, you both kissed and royally fucked up.

But fuck did the feeling of his lips meshing with your own feel good. So stupidly or not..you enjoyed the moment while it lasted, deepening the kiss by tightening your arms around his neck. Hearing his groan into your mouth sent a shiver down your spine as he pulled you flush against him.

But when he broke away..he looked conflicted? "Ding, dong.." His weird words suddenly made you feel groggy and most of all exhausted.

Almost like that feeling you get when drifting in and out of sleep. Almost to much like you were waking up..

Your eyelids grudgingly open, ears ringing with the sound of the door bell. 'That explains why he said...ding dong..' Where as you would normally laugh, at the moment you were far to tired to even crack any sort of emotion on your face.

That of course excludes the slight blush that had littered your cheeks against your will. Unfortunately your memory-like dream had caused a rush of emotions that you thought you didn't have for him anymore..well kind of. Your feelings and thoughts on your best friend were--complicated, to say the least.

It was as though you knew you had some lingering feelings for him..but you had both agreed that when you kissed that day, it would stay just that. A stupid--accidental kiss on that one stupid day.

Rubbing your cheeks lightly, you try to get the abundantly obvious blush to die down before opening the door. 'Not like it matters..it's probably just a package..' You convince yourself, opening the door to a different sort of package.

"Morning." You nearly want to slam the door out of surprise, I mean who could have blamed you if you had?

Micheal kaiser showing up to your house in the morning holding a slice of cheesecake? How wouldn't that be shocking.

"Morning..?" You reply back, peering behind your shoulder to make sure rin doesn't walk by and see. "Did you come here to give rin a cake orr-?" A small teasing smirk took shape on your lips. If that was what he'd been here for, you'd pay to watch rins reaction.

"No, I came here to give it to you." He inched a bit closer to you, bordering the entrance of your home. Upon closer inspection you realized where you knew that packaging from. That new bakery that you'd been wanting to try--but it was far to expensive for you to get anything..yet of course.

"..how did you know?" You reach to grab it but he pulls the slice out of your grasp.

"He talks about you alot you know." Whenever he did open his mouth to talk in his teammates presence it was always about you. After kaiser over heard one of these seemingly rare moments, he made it a point to remember that you wanted to try the cheesecake there.

Seeing how you didn't know how to respond made him continue with that stupidly attractive grin. "I also came here to apologize, you didn't sign up to babysit my drunk ass so for that I'm sorry." He sighed. "But also for that, thank you. You probably didn't want to but you did even though you clearly don't like me. I appreciate it."

Holy shit. Michael kaiser apologizing? To you? Really..to...you?

He hands you the cake as an apology gift on top of all that as well. Which of course you gladly take and begin eating. "So that mean," you say in between bites, not caring what he thought of you. "I can ask a question or two?" Your slightly unamused expression became less and less evident with each bite. He came over to apologize and on top of that gave you an apology gift that you actually wanted, the least you could do is give him the time of day.

He nodded, an..almost genuine smile etched his face while he watched you eat. "So tutors are hot?" You let out a small laugh recalling his drunken face as he said stupid things he wouldn't remember. "And I'm smart huh?" Watching him rub the back of his neck in embarrassment only pulled the giggle that you'd been suppressing out of your throat.

"I really don't remember saying that.." He laughed a bit awkwardly, "but as for the second part--" he leaned in a bit closer, "you are smart, itoshi bragged to the team about how well you did on the last exam."

"Look I'd really like it if we could get to know each other and if you'd help me study." For whatever reason he felt his heart race at that sentence. He couldn't figure out why but saying those words out loud was almost──difficult.

Before you could answer a no..or even a yes, rin had finally made his appearance. "N/n?" He yawned, stretching his arms out above his head, "What'd you have to sign for a package or somethin?" You slammed the door out of instinct and turned around to face the now overly confused itoshi. "You got cheesecake delivered at 9 in the morning?"

You nod your head, that now becoming your story on the spot. He noticed the sticker on the packaging and frowned, his bed head on top of it making him look a bit childish.


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