Part 7

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Harry gave a breathy laugh as he watched you dogear the corner of your current page. You slipped the book into your tote and rested your head on your arms, facing him. He was resting on his elbow with his cheek against his fist, and he looked every bit the Greek God. His other hand still stroked over your back.

"Ice cream for the way home?" He suggested.

Your nod was slow, purposeful. "Maybe I'll switch it up and have what you have."

His gaze fogged with what you could only assume was lust. "I can get on board with that."

You rolled onto your back and sat up, then pulled your pool dress back over your body. Harry made it to his feet, towering over you.

"Meet me by the van?" He suggested.

"Yeah. I'll pack up."

With a nod, he was off. He'd left his t-shirt behind, deciding to make the most of the sun. Knowing that he was roaming around half-naked broke you out in a nervous sweat. There were plenty of other men around without their tops on, but it was different with Harry. His body was recognisable.

You noticed as you packed up that your hands were shaking. You were giving yourself a headache over your back and forth between awkward and spontaneous. Yes, you'd decided to go back to the cabin, but that was before you kissed him. And you were the one that flirted with him, not the other way around. He might've been turned on after kissing you but he took no part in initiating things. The fear of possible rejection somewhere later down the line prompted a panic.


No panicking.

This was Harry.

Harry, who you would inevitably see again and again further down the line whether things progressed between you or not. You needed to think with your rational head, not the one that fantasised everything. You'd let things take their natural course. If nothing happened, nothing happened. End of story.

Besides, you were moving out of the cabin in a couple of days to the bungalow. It would make that whole shift easier if nothing happened.

With everything collected and packed away, you made your way over to Harry who was paying for your ice cream. He handed you a cone with a mint chocolate chip scoop on the top.

"What's that?" You asked after spotting the one he was holding.

He looked at his chocolate cone with a smirk. "We can all switch it up, you know."

"Not the flavour, the cone." There was an obvious difference between a normal cone and a gluten free one. Harry didn't have a normal cone like he usually did.

He gave a passive shrug and started walking. "Maybe I'm getting attachments to your food substitutions."

You snorted. "Seriously?"

He didn't answer, but he didn't need to. You knew he was joking to some degree, but once again, your fantasising brain took over from your rational one. It told you he was being safe with you. If anything did happen again, like a repeat of the little kiss you'd just shared, he didn't want to run the risk of you getting sick.

As suggestive as you'd been, the rational side struggled to believe they were his real motives.

He walked ahead of you rather than beside you. It was terrible, actually, because it gave you the perfect view of his back, amongst other things. You'd lost all interest in your ice cream, too busy fawning over the way Harry ate his. It was near pornographic. You had to take a lick of ice cream to cool yourself down.

His tanned back shone under the sun, damp with sweat, and the little curls around his neck were beginning to drip with it, too, squeezing out from under his hat. And then there were his calves, which strained every time he took a step. It didn't help that you were walking uphill, so his muscles were working overtime.

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