Chapter 9

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It felt like the whole world was against me. Lando still wasn't talking to me, Sarah was on his side of it all telling me I shouldn't have forgiven charles so fast.

I was in landos' house alone it felt so weird being here without him. It had been almost a week since the argument I hadn't left the house much. I dedicated my time to writing and recording an album for Lando. If he doesn't want to talk to me, then I'll just have to find another way to get what I want to say across.

Charles had told me to put it out there that I'm releasing an album in his favour, and I will. I just need time to do so.

"Posted," I say, looking at charles. He stopped by to bring me food and to make sure I was still breathing in his words.

"He can't ignore you after that," I sigh.

"We've never argued like this before we would always make up after an hour of not talking, not a week. I'm so lost without him."

"I bet he's lost without you too he just needs time,"

"Yeah, hopefully that's all it is,"

"I've got to go. Are you gonna be okay?" I nod.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," he leave and I sit on the sofa and turned on a film

I hear the door shut, and my eyes fly open, and I lift up, looking at the door to see lando walk through.

"You wrote an album for me?" He says .

"I did," I speak out softly.

"You couldn't just let me stay mad at you?"

"You could never stay mad at me," I see him smile. "I just had to take extra precautions,"

"You wrote me an album just so I'd talk to you again?"

"Something like that, but I had another reason," he frowns

"And that is?"

"You'll find out when it comes out,"

"I don't get a sneak peak?" I shake my head,"but I always get a sneak peak,"

"Yeah, but not when the songs are for you," he drops his back and takes his jacket off, making his way towards the sofa he sits down and nods his head to me. I smile and lay down next to him, his arms wrapping around me.

"Missed you,"

"I missed you too, lan,"

Even though we had slightly made up the past couple days have been weird he found out that charles had listened to the album and he wasn't happy about it. We sat in the kitchen as I get a call from charles.

"Hello," I answer, lando rolling his eyes and moving into the living room.

"Please, will you just tell him he's spiralling,"

"What do you mean?"

"He still thinks something is going on between us he's been sending me death threats,"


"Well, not real death threats, but u can't tell he wants to,"

"He's not even talking to me properly either," I sigh.

"Well, maybe that's your sign to tell him before the album is released,"

"I think you're right. I just don't know how to,"

"You'll find the right words. Just do it soon because if you don't, I could end up dead," i laugh and hang up the phone.

I guess it's now or never

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