Chapter 24

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"Dad, who is this?" I freeze.

"What do you mean, son?" Adam looks between us."It's Aurora," lando looks at me.

"Aurora?" He questions.

"Yeah, she's your girlfriend," Lando shakes his head.

"I don't have a girlfriend," you know when I said the worst thing that's happened is seeing his car flipping and him ending up here? I lied. This was the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

Adam moved me out of the room, calling the doctor back. Letting him know the situation. I was looking at lando, who was looking back at me, but those eyes weren't my eyes. Those eyes didn't know me.

"It's called selective amnesia," I look away from lando and at the doctor.

"What does that even mean?"

"Its a type of amnesia in which the person loses only certain parts of their memory. It could be an event of, in this case, a person," he turns to me

"So what he doesn't remember me at all?"

"I'm afraid not. His memory can come back in time,"

"Can? So there's a chance his memory may never come back?"

"There is a chance of that, but the chance of it coming back is much higher it could be within the week, a month, but it could also be a up to a year,"

"What so he won't remember me for a year?"

"That could be possible, "

"Thank you, doc," Adma says he nods, giving me a soft smile before walking away.

"Aurora," I shake my head.

"I need a minute," I say, walking to the nearest bathroom.

Third POV

Max and the rest of the boys rush through the hospital doors, making their way to Landos room. Their eyes all meet Adams.

"He's awake?" Max says, looking into the room and seeing Lando, who was getting his bloods done.

"Yes, but,"

"Where's Rory?" Charles asks.

"That's what I need to talk to you about," the boys all look at each other, then back to Adam.

"He has selective amnesia, " he takes a deep breath. "He can't remember her,"

"What?" They all ask in sync.

"He looked at her as if she was a stranger. I tried to tell him, but he said he didn't have a girlfriend,"

"Where's Rory?" Charles asks again.

"She went to the bathroom," Charles and Max looked at each other before heading her direction.

"Rory," Max says as Charles knocks on.

No answer. Charles's puts his ear up against the door and hears soft cries coming inside.

"Open it," Max frowns at Charles.

"She's crying," With that, Max opens the door to find Rory on the floor leaning against the wall crying.

"He doesn't know who I am," she cried out the two boys sitting beside her consoling her.

Adam made his way into Landos room with Daniel.

"That girl did she go?" He asked.

"That girls name is Aurora or Rory," Adam says.

"You call her Rora," Daniel adds.

"I don't know her. I've never seen her before,"

Adam begins to tell him that his suffering from amnesia.

"So what you're telling me is that, that girl is my girlfriend?"

"Fiance," Daniel corrects.

"Fiance?" He questions they both just nod.

"She was your best friend you met when you were seven. You've been madly in love with her for years," landos eyebrow cross.

"Why can't I remember her," he says to himself he wanted so bad to remember the girl they were talking about, but he just couldn't.

"She means the world to you, lando, and you mean the world to her to,"

"Is she still here?"

"Yes," Adam says

"Can I see her?" Daniel and Adma look at each other before nodding.

"I'll go find her," Daniel says, making his way towards the bathroom. His heart breaks when he sees the scene in front of him.

"Rory?" She looked up at him."He wants to see you,"

Auroras POV

"He wants to see you," Daniel says.

"What?" He explains to me that they told him about the amnesia and even though he can't remember me he wants to see me. I pulled myself up from the ground, looking in the mirror, wiping my cheeks, still visible that I had been crying, but I looked slightly better than I did before.

The boys look at me and nod as I make my way back to Landos's room. I stand at the door, and Adam sees me. He walks over, kissing my forehead before walking out.

"You can shut the door," Lando says, my heart skipping a beat when I hear his voice, a voice I've so badly wasted to here for over a week.

I turn and shut the door, the boys looking in at us, Max biting his nails as Charles paces back and forth, the others kneels bouncing.

"You're Rory?" Rory, he never calls me Rory.

"Rora," I corrected him. He nodded Daniel and must have told him.

"You're my fiance?"

"I am," he looks at my hand.

"Then, where's your ring?"

"You never gave me one," I say he frowns, "you asked and then got a ring designed, but it's still not ready,"

"I asked without a ring?"

"Yeah, you didn't think I'd say yeah, it was an in the moment thing,"

"You can sit down." He points to the chair I had made my home the past week. I drag my feet and sit down in the chair.

"Have you been sleeping here?" He notices my pjs and the blanket that in the chair.

"Yeah, I haven't been home since the accident," he smiles at me softly.

"I'm sorry I don't remember you,"

"I'm sorry you don't aswell,"

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