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G's P.o.v:
"Where's Jack?" I asked Johnson as Nate and I finally made our way back to Nash's.
"Him and Madison got back together so he went to her house." Johnson said as Sam and Nash started yelling at the t.v screen because of some video game they were playing.
"Oh." I replied confused that he'd be yelling at Madison, randomly kiss me, then get back together with her.


"I'm sorry about all that hate. The fans can get really rude." Johnson told me we all sat on the couch watching some movie with a name I didn't know.
"I don't really care. Most of it isn't true." I said as Nate shifted his weight on the couch.
"Anyway they are jealous that it's you hanging out with us not them." Nash told me.
"True." We all agreed.
"Aye, G. When are you going home?" Sammy asked, off topic.
"I don't know. Whenever I want or whenever I run out of clothes I actually want to wear." I replied.
"You should just move out here with us." Nash exclaimed.
"I mean I don't know...I..." I said not even knowing what to say.
"You could live with me and Sam." Nate said.
"There's a thing called school that's happening in September." I told them.
"Online school." Nash said.
"Well I have to talk with my mom which will probably take a while." I exclaimed.
"Well start talking." Johnson told me.

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