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Gauthier huddled in the back of the cave, wondering how much longer the storm would last and how long it would take to dig himself out. It had already been blowing for three days and showed no signs of letting up. Grumbling under his breath, he lifted his flask and shook it. Down to a quarter full. If the storm didn't let up soon, he'd be out of water in less than two days. Unfortunately, he had no idea where to find any in this Gods-forsaken land.

He had left the castle under cover of darkness a little over a week before. He had been forced to head south as taking a ship across the Great Inland Sea was out of the question. Too many people knew him and even if they didn't, purchasing passage without any goods or a stated mission would eventually be bought to the King's attention, something he needed to avoid at all costs. Instead, he had simply walked down into town as he did on most other nights, then fled. Staying off the roads, he crossed fields, forded streams, and traipsed through orchards and forests. He spent the night under the open sky, staring at the stars until he fell asleep.

The next morning, he had risen, helped himself to a few pears, then continued on his way. When Midday approached, he entered the next village he came to and made his way to the market. Purchasing the best horse he could find, he had ridden the rest of the day, then spent another night in the open.

When he could detect the miasma from the fetid marshlands that bordered the southeastern shores of the Great Inland Sea, he had bartered the horse for a small, flat-bottomed boat and as much fresh food and water as it could carry. Poling his way through the swamp, he emerged at the southeastern tip and headed into the first village he could find. Bartering again, he obtained another horse and sped southeast.

Sailing over the Great Inland Sea and heading west into the Irosar Mountains would have been much faster than the route he had taken. But crossing over those mountains would have been almost impossible. There were very few passes and even fewer places to purchase provisions. Because of the lack of habitation, strangers were a rarity. If he suddenly showed up at one of the few settlements, people would have gossiped about it for weeks. Once again, word might make it back to the King. Nobody crossed the Irosar Mountains unless they had no other choice.

Instead, he had rounded the southern coast of the Great Inland Sea, staying away from the towns that dotted the coastline. Most of those towns catered to the Nobles who had winter homes along the soft, sandy beaches, and the chance of being recognized increased dramatically. Once he had left the coastal towns behind, he headed west towards the Gulf of Englestahl. Obtaining passage on one of the boats that ferried people from Echo Bay to Sheppon Landing, the largest coastal city in the Wastes, he spent a day provisioning himself and a night making the acquaintance of several taverns. And a pretty serving girl as well.

As the sun peaked over the horizon, he saddled his horse and resumed his journey west. So far, he had made excellent time and if things continued to go well, he would make his destination in no more than three days. Unfortunately, as soon as he left the fertile lands that bordered the Gulf and entered the harsh landscape of the Wastes, things had quickly gone downhill.

The first day after leaving Sheppon Landing, he found his food supply infested with bugs. He had done his best to remove what he could, but much of it was ruined and unsafe to eat.

Two days into the desert that made up the Sterile Wastes, the horse died, leaving him with no means of transportation but his own two feet. He had cursed the merchant who had sold him the horse but also cursed himself for not taking better care when inspecting the animal.

Three days in found him facing the sandstorm. He turned and ran, climbing the sandstone cliffs until he found a cave. Pulling his cape and the rolled blanket across the opening, he had done his best to secure them, sealing him in. Then he retreated to the far end and waited.

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