Vampire San

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Vampires are hands down one of the most popular creatures that everyone wants to learn about but they never knew the truth..

Vampires do not SPARKLE like honestly what the fuck was going on in the head when they thought that shit? The sun doesn't KILL vampires it just irritates their skin... And for god sakes garlic dose not KILL vampires it makes them break out and get sick. When a vampire is hungry or in bloodlust they usually can not be stoped to get what the want and they tend to feed of human blood.....

Vampires are very beautiful creatures which is why they get so much blood humans find them selfs very much attracted to vampires it don't help if your already attractive...

Choi San Born a vampire he grew up on human blood so there for he can't stop himself when he smells a light snack. San doesn't kill his victims unless he hasn't feed in awhile but he feels sorry for those he dose kill unless their bad people then he kills them painfully slow. San is very attractive so there for food comes his way and he loves that .. A thing that should be known is witch's are still human but once they get a certain age they get a spell casted on them so their human scent goes away.

I was walking down the street when I smelt food I quickly ran to the smell looking at the victim or should I say meal my smirk dropped when I seen the boy who was marked but how he's human and a wolf would never scent on a human unless there was a relationship going on. "How'd you do that?" I was standing in front of the boy only to be knocked down by the wolf who was already growling. "He's not food so go find a new meal". I rolled my eyes pushing the wolf of getting on top of him. "Haha your funny he is food and I will not go find someone else". I'm not the best at backing down or taking no for an answer but what can I say I'm a vampire. I quickly stood up walking to the boy but stopped as soon as I saw a demon. Demons are strong as fuck and I just messed with someone in his pack. I may be strong as hell but there is no way I'm fighting this guy. "He's not food he's a witch you won't like how he taste." My eyes flew open and I gagged which blood is so nasty I couldn't stand it. Witch's have something in the blood that makes vampires turn the other way it's how they stay safe so they don't get bitten. "Then why dose he smell human?" The witch moved from behind the demon with smile on his face. "The spell was never casted on me so I smell human but only for two more day because then I'll smell like Seonghwa he Scented me". The witch smiled and the demon smacked his arm. "You can't tell him our name he is a vampire". The witch frowned and the person I guessed was a ghost grabbed him in a hug. "You know Yeosang talks to everyone". I chuckled at them. "Are you stupid Yunho Hongjoong Is gonna kill you when he finds out this man knows our name". I chuckled once again as the wolf also known as Hongjoong looked at them. "Seonghwa you just told him my name and Yunhos name". Hongjoong pouted and Seonghwa walked over to hug him then Yunho walked over as I was about to walk away I felt hands pulling me against them. "I Can cast a spell of blood if you're hungry I've been working on my magic". My eyes widened as Yeosang was hugging me. "I tired to kill you tho". Yeosang looked up at me smiling. "Yeah but it's what vampires do I can't be mad at that". I smiled walking over to the group as we settled this thing.

"YEAH SAN GOT HIS FANGS STUCK AGAIN". I waited for a couple minutes then Hongjoong came in grabbing my chin. "Sannie this is gonna hurt so put your hands on my shoulders". I did as he said as he lifted my fangs out in a fast flash making me wince in pain. "How come sans got a nick name but we don't get shit?" I hissed at Yunho making him back up a bit and Hongjoong quickly grabbing me back. "I gave him a nickname because he is sensitive with his fangs and we all know nicknames calm him down ". I backed away from Hongjoong hissing again. "Ah shit he's gonna bite you".  Seonghwa was quick to jump in front of Hongjoong so I would bite him instead which I did but demons don't feel pain so he just stood there. "Shit I'm sorry I was just im so so-"
"Shut up it's okay you can't help it"
"I never wanted to hurt you I was just shit did it hurt are you ok?"
"Dude it didn't even hurt are you ok?" I didn't answer I just pulled him into a hug while he chuckled. "If San gets his fangs stuck into the bed frame again I will let him bite you guys".  I stuck my tongue out the boys. "See I'm just better".

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