Home life part 1

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A cheetah pinata is shown as kids can be heard laughing as they hit it with sticks. The cheetah girls were gathered around by the snack table."so we had some technical difficulties."galleria says as Rena was eating on some candy corn which was one of her favorite candies.

Chanel sighs with shoulders slumped"I think it's a sign. Maybe we're not ready for the talent show auditions tomorrow"she says with doubts after what just happened.

Galleria smiles shakeing her head" chanel listen to me. You and Rena finally hit that high C in the second chorus. Never happened before. I think that's a sign that we're ready"she says trying to encourage your best friend who looks to the others "I did?"she asked them.

Rena smiles "you bet"as she playfully bumps her shoulder with chanel as aqua hums. Chanel smiles confidently"I did, huh"as the others nodded there heads while she and do did there cheetah girl hand shake."and we hung in there like pros. Aqua, barefoot and hungry, you kept our harmony tight", galleria says as aqua smiles"well y'all know how you do it in Texas always ride with your spurs on girls"she tells her friends who giggle.

Galleria then turns to do"and do-re-mi, your sore now, but you gave 110 percent to our fans how you feeling "she says with a smile.

Do smiles as she looks at her best friends as she chuckles"it was fun and the bruises - they're not that bad"she says with confident smile as they all agree.

"Right,now  if there is one person who doubts that we can't be the first freshmen to win the Manhattan magnet School talent show, speak now or forever hold your peace."she says encouraging him just as the last stick to hit the pinata causes it to burst as candy rains down on all of them Rena, do, chanel and aqua back up laughing as galleria stands there awkward with tense shoulders before relaxing while seeing a piece of candy floating in her drink.

Rena laughs as he sister pulls out a piece of candy that was in her hair"you know what? I take a whacking and keep on smacking."she says as she sticks the candy in her mouth chewing as they others giggle "now , I am gonna be a star. Do I have to be solo, or are you cheetahs ready to hit big time?" She asked them as they all share a look with one another smileing before they all roars there dinks together shouting as one"Cheetah's" laughing.

Rena looks at the time on her watch before gasping "omg I'm gonna be so late I will see you at home galleria and I'll see you girls at school tomorrow"she says as she hurriedly puts on her jean jacket as she runs off hopeing she make it to her job at the library on time as she runs through the busy streets of new York.

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