24. every corner of this house is haunted

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narrative and instagram
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iowa v. nebraska-kearney: october 28, 2022
final score: 108-29, iowa wins
carver-hawkeye arena

I definitely should have started watching basketball games sooner in college. After the game I went to last school year, I was too busy focusing on Kate to even pay attention to the game. Now, I'm realizing I forgot how much I loved watching Kate play (even though she didn't play very much this game).

Leah and I were sitting together and any time either of us saw Kate or Caitlin, we were practically done for. They looked that good when they played.

After the game, they both came to find us almost as soon as they got out of the locker room. Caitlin and Leah did their little thing while Kate wrapped me up in a hug.

"Good game, guys," I say, keeping my arm around Kate's torso after we pull away from our hug. Both girls just give a smile.

Three people walk towards our small group as we're all talking and I recognize them as three of the coaches. One of them is Kate's aunt, Jan. I met her a few times when I was little, but I doubt she remembered me at all though.

Jan puts her hand on Kate's shoulder, "So these are the girls you two can't stop talking about?" she asks. Caitlin's and Kate's faces turn red as Leah and I look at each other, letting out soft chuckles, "Freya, it's nice to see you again," Jan adds, holding out her hand, and it surprises me.

I smile, grabbing her hand, "It's nice to see you too," I say as she squeezes my hand before letting it go.

A shorter woman claps Caitlin on the back, "You two aren't gonna introduce them to us?" the woman asks, Caitlin's face is still bright red.

Caitlin presses her hand to Leah's shoulder, "This is Leah Reynolds," she says before pointing at me, "That's Freya Rogers," she introduces, I give the three of them a small, awkward wave. I can see Kate smiling because if it out of the corner of my eye.

"This is Bluder, Jan, and Raina," she tells us.

Leah smiles, shaking each of their hands, "It's nice to meet you guys," she says and I nod in agreement, shaking Bluder and Raina's hands.

The coaches don't stay around long, leaving us to ourselves. We part ways soon after anyway, going to separate cars in the parking lot. I'm dropping Kate off at the dorms.

"Can I drive?" Kate asks, holding the strap of her bag with one hand.

I furrow my brows at her, "No," I reply. I'm not sure why she wants to drive in the first place.

"You are a horrible driver. I would like to make it to my dorm alive," she complains, looking at me and waiting for me to give in.

"Get in the car, Martin," I say, opening the driver's side door and slipping inside. She quickly just gets into the passenger seat, placing her bag on the floorboard.

I put one leg up in my seat as I pull out of the Carver parking lot and start driving toward the dorms, "I think that's why you drive so bad," she says, pointing at my leg that's resting against the door.

"I'm not a bad driver!" I deny, "This is comfortable," I add, glancing at her for a few seconds. I really don't know how she's convinced I'm a horrible driver, I've only gotten into a few little accidents and none of them have been while she's in the car.

She shakes her head with a smile, "Whatever you say," she says, turning up the radio. The song on is Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift. It's from her newest album that I made Kate stream with me the night is came out. Kate sings all the lyrics, making me laugh. I pull up to the dorms as the song comes to an end.

Kate goes to grab her bag but stops, looking back at me, "Can I ask you something?" she says. My heart drops a little, just because I'm nervous. I nod, keeping eye contact with her.  She wets her lips, placing her hand on mine, and running her thumb along my knuckles, "Um, will you be my girlfriend?" she asks softly. Holy shit.

"It's just that I like you and we've been hanging a lot and we kiss and we anytime I stay over, I sleep next to you and I really like that," she rambles and it makes me smile so widely.

"Kate," I say gently to get her to stop. I lean a little closer to her over the center console, "I will be your girlfriend." It's like my answer catches her off guard as if she didn't expect me to like her back.

"Really?" she questions to make sure I'm not lying, a smile on her lips.

I turn my hand over, intertwining our fingers, "I have literally been in love with you since we were kids, so yes, really."

Kate smiles, leaning in to press a quick kiss to my lips. When she pulls away, she looks at me, "Since we were kids, huh?"

My face turns red as I nod, "You were the first one to make me question my sexuality," I tell her.

"Well, I've liked you since we were kids too, just so you know," she says, making my heart flutter. She squeezes my hand, kissing me again, "Goodnight, Reya," she whispers once she pulls away.

"Goodnight, sunshine," I say. I call her sunshine because of a tattoo she has on her arm that says it. It makes her blush a lot, as does the name pretty girl.

Kate gets out of my car, waving as she closes the door and walks into the dorm building. I can't wipe the stupid smile off of my face the entire drive home.


liked by notelirogers and others captainamericafr, 🤍🤍🤍

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captainamericafr, 🤍🤍🤍

view comments. . .

caspianbr, HUHHH????
comment liked by captainamericafr

keegmurray, FINALLY???
comment liked by captainamericafr and katmart

notryanreynolds, is this a soft launch freya
— captainamericafr, 🤷🏻‍♀️🤭

monc25, so this is why she couldn't get the smile off of her face
— notcaitlinclark, i got too many texts from her in the span of one minute
— katmart, what the fuck???

katmart, 🤍🤍
comment liked by captainamericafr

florencethemachinedupe, I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH
comment liked by captainamericafr and katmart

authors note
freyakate official 😋

¹ two people,  kate martin Where stories live. Discover now