Act Four

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It was the next day and everyone was resting.

Jhin: How's captain?

Zen: He's resting right now....but...

Jhin: I know.

Zen: What about Michael and Emily?

Jhin: Trying to find Yoro and Cara right now.

I looked into the room and he was still passed out.

Zen: We need him.

Jhin: Yeah I know. The world still needs him.

Zen: He's been like a brother to us.

Jhin put his hand on my shoulder.

Jhin: I know...He will pull through I promise. For now we have to work.

Zen: Yeah you're right.

I heard the door open.

Cano: Let's go....

Jhin: Captain?

Zen: Hey you should be getting some rest.

Cano: I'm fine....I promise.

Jhin: Captain...

Cano: I'm good. I promise, so where are we with Yoro and Cara?

Jhin: Follow me.




We all met in the main meeting room.

Michael: Captain?

Talia: Are you doing okay?

Cano: I heal fast, trust me. So where are we at?

Michael: Well...

He pulled up the news feed.

News Reporter: Today we saw the Streamers fighting a group of villains near downtown Arkis. The Streamer known as Cara caused a massive explosion that caused thousands in damages and a few wounded Arkis Soldiers. A city wide look out for Yoro and Cara has been issued.

Cano: Cara?

Michael: Yeah...Joku is coming here any minute to discuss what we do next.

Cano: We save Cara, that's it.

Everyone looked unsure.

Cano: Guys?

Michael: I don't want to be the one to say it Cano.... but what if Cara isn't Cara anymore?

Cano: And?

Jhin: And she's dangerous.

Cano: I can't believe I'm hearing this!

Zen: Look what she did to you. Do you truly think she...

Cano: She's still our friend! We need to save her. End of discussion.

Joku: No it's not.

Joku and Lance were standing behind us.

Joku: She's a villain. Thank goodness no one died but if she were to lose herself like that.....

Cano: She won't!

Joku: How do you know!?

Zen: Captain... I know you cared for her and Ali but...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07 ⏰

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