will you be?

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  POV colby

       Maria and Zara have lived with us for a few months now zara is crawling everywhere and trying to stand up. She just turned 7months. She also says a few words like baba which is bottle  and mama. She really is something and has green eyes with dark hair, she is definetly going to be a heart breaker. Maria and I still are in a talking stage hut cuddle and kiss occasionally when it seems like the time. I really want to ask her to be my girlfriend soon but I don't know how. I definetly needed help I texted Devin Corey and sam trying to come up with a plan. Since zara and Maria were at a doctor's appointment I knew we had some time.

Cb: SOS I need help

Sg: what's up

Dl: what type of help

Cs: spill the tea brotha

Cb: can you guys come to my room

    I waited a few minutes and they were in my room we all sat down to talk

"You guys know Maria and I have been talking for the past 4 months She has lived here ans I want to ask her to be my girlfriend I have ideas but I don't know how to ask or what to do." I put my hands over my face in frustration

"Colby breath what are the ideas?" Sam asked

"Well I was thinking of some how getting her horse to LA, she gave me the address her mare marigold is living currently and I've been digging I found a location for her. The other one involves zara wearing a custom onzie" I look at the group.

"I'd say marigold" Devin said "she loves that horse always has she raised it from a baby. We could see if the place would go get it and I can call Mark he knows me and if I explain it, he will be easier to deal with"

"Thank you Devin"

"How would we keep Maria out of the house tho so she doesn't expect anything?"  Corey chimed in

"Maybe Kat and Devin can say they want to have a girls day and get your guys hair done and nails."Sam added

"That would be amazing" I smiled at my friends

"So what day where we thinking?" Dev asked eagerly.

"Depends on marigold arrival but I was thinking since it is Monday today maybe saturday?"

" she will definetly be off that day" devin smiled

It's a plan then, I smiled to my self and they all left I called the stable and asked them some questions they said if we can get the farmer agree on letting them come in and load up marigold then they will go get her, Devin called Mark and he agreed easily. I called a few places like a florist and a jewelry store to get something special. I wanted a necklace made for her that had zaras birthday and her grandpa Jay's birthday since they both had the same birthday I thought it would be cool.

○○○○○○○○○time skip saturday○○○○○○○○
       I woke up early to call the stables marigoldhad gotten there Thursday evening.

"Hey amber it's colby brock, i was wondering if I could come over before I bring Maria and zara to set up some stuff. I'm planning on asking Maria to be my girlfriend."  I explained to the lady on the phone.

"That is just fine Mr.Brock just make sure it doesn't get into he way of the hands that is all we ask, we will see you soon" the call ended perfect it was currently 8:30 am Kat and Devin were coming to get Maria and we were going to keep zara with us Corey and Jake were going to babysit while me and sam set up some stuff at the stable. After what seemed like forever the girls were gone sam and I waited a few minutes after the girls and headed out.

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