issac vs the house

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     all of the house was home today I told amillia the address she and Issac were coming over to swim and spend time with zara. We all were chilling in the living room when I heard the door Corey awnsered welcoming them in.

"NANA" zara tried to run to her but tripped

"Zara!" Amillia picked her up immediately Issac smiled seeing his mom happy I guess he did have a heart.

"You guys hungry?" I smiled

"Sure" Issac looked me up and down everyone was in there bathing  suits I had one of colbys button ups on over my suit it was unbuttoned so my bikini was visible. Colby must of saw Issac staring because he pulled me into a small kiss and smacked my ass as I walked away

"COLBY" I turned around holding my ass

"What?!" He held his hand to his chest his finger tips resting on his chest while his palm was pushed away

"Your an ass you know that right?"

"I do but you love me" he laughed petting buddy who was laying on the couch.

"I'm going to make food" I laughed Kat and Devin came to help me we decided to make spaghetti since it was quick and easy after 30 minutes everyone was eating zara was eating her noodles happily.  We all talked a bit then headed out to go swimming. Zara splashed us and sat on the stairs playing with jake and amillia. Devin climbed on top of Corey's shoulders.

"Colby and Maria chicken fight!!!" Corey screamed colby lifted me up and I climbed of his shoulders me and Devin locked hands sam counted down on 1 me and Devin started pushing each other colbys hands tightened on my thighs and I pushed Devin hard and she fell into the water colby and I cheered as Devin and Corey laughed.  We all hung out in the pool for 4 hours Issac was actually pleasant amillia took zara inside after 2 hours for a nap. We all grabbed towels.

"Who wants to watch a Disney movie" Corey asked as we dried off

"I'm down" I smiled handing Issac a spare towel

"Thanks" he made I contact with me and I nodded drying my hair off and colby kissed my cheek snaking his arm around my waist handing me his button up

"Thanks love" i smiled sliding on the shirt

"Of course go change before you get to cold" he smiled kissing my forehead.

"Yes sir" i walked inside amillia was holding a sleepy zara i smiled and headed up to my room i quickly changed into a sports bra and a a pair of shorts. I slid on colbys hoodie as i was fixing my hair i heard my door open i looked over to see issac closing the door

"Hey beautiful" he smiled walking close to me i moved away from him

"What are you doing in here issac"

"Thought we could have some alone time mar"

"Dont call me that and no get out of my room"

"Awe dont be like that baby" he pinned me against the wall by my wrists

"Issac let me go" I tried to move my wrists but he tightest his grip causing me  to wince

"Let's have some fun" he tried to kiss me but I moved my head away


"Shut the fuck up" he raised his hand to hit me before he could I heard the door

"MARIA!" I heard Corey and saw colby rush in it distracted Issac before he could hit me for Corey to tackle him to the ground I ran into colbys arms

"Ow what the fuck" Issac groaned and Corey had his wrists to the ground

"Don't you ever hit her or ever think of it" Corey was yelling causing sam Aaron and Jake to appear at my door Devin pushed past then and came to my side she saw what happened and smiled

"You okay babe" colby hugged me

"I want him out amillia can stay he can't"

"Cor get him out"  colby moved me away from the door and stood infront of me. Jake and Aaron went to Corey to help him get Issac put. Once he was out of my room I dropped to my floor.

"Baby it's okay it's okay" colby turned and dropped to the floor to hold me tightly against his body.

"What happened" amillia came into my room holding Zara.

"Mama? Otay?" Zara squirmed and amillia put her down she ran to me and colby "Dada mama otay?"

"Mama will be zara she just sad its okay baby girl" colby let zara into the hug she hugged me and kissed my cheek I laughed lightly and hugged zara.

"It's okay zara just like what Dada said mama just sad it's okay"

"Otay" she got out of the hug and went up to devin "pway?"

"Yeah zara let's go play" Devin picked her up and left my room

"What did he do?" Amillia asked

"He came into my room and tried to do stuff he pinned me I screamed Corey and colby heard and Corey tackled him." I quickly spoke.

"Oh Maria I'm so sorry I will move his plane ride home to tomorrow. May I still see zara and stay this week?"

"Yeah you can amillia let's go watch that movie" i slowly stood and colby held my hand we walked down sam followed behind Corey had put on the lion king we all sat down and zara stared at the screen sitting in her little chair we for her. At the end of the movie amillia headed home in was zaras bed time.

"I can put her down" sam picked zara up

"Uwua sammy" zara tried to say uncle but couldn't pronouncd it right causing us to laugh

"Thank you sam" I smiled "zarzar uncle sammy is going to put you to sleep okay be good for him okay"

"Otay mama" she yawned laying her head down on sam and he walked upstairs everyone went to there room leaving me and colby downstairs. Colby picked me up and carried me to his room laying me down on his bed he took off his shirt and layed down beside me.

"Your sleeping in here with me especially after today?" He wrapped and arm around me.

"Okay" I yawned and cuddled into his bare chest, peaceful falling asleep in his arms.

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