𝑮𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒆 𝑨𝒘𝒂𝒚

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It was a lazy, enjoyable day off for both Lucy and Tim. Lucy had emerged from the shower and had settled on her couch to indulge in some reality TV she wanted to catch up on. She had been on the go lately non stop with wedding planning while working crazy hours. It was nice to be able to have some R and R. Tim was out taking Kojo for a long walk. Lucy noticed the pile of mail that was stacking up on the corner of the kitchen island. Knowing she should go through the stack as there were a few replies she was waiting for in regards to their upcoming wedding. There she saw the reply she had been waiting for "Can't Attend" that shouldn't of bothered her but when it's your own parents, her own flesh and blood that have selfishly decided not to attend their own daughters wedding. The disappointment that can't even be translated into words. Lucy wasn't surprised if she was being honest with herself, she just thought maybe just maybe they would consider the big picture and want to support her, even if they didn't agree with her life choices. It just hurt. Broke her heart. Knowing there was a good chance that not only would they not be there for her special day, also knowing down the road they wouldn't be in their future children's lives as grandparents. Lucy started sobbing. Not able to hold in her emotions any longer.

As Tim walked through the door with Kojo in hand. Lucy immediately tried quickly to wipe the wetness off from around her eyes and face. Not wanting to worry Tim. He of course saw right through it. He knows Lucy better than anyone else in the world and has for years. Not only could he see the physical evidence she had been crying, he could see through her body language. Tim knew when Lucy was happy and he also knew when she was sad. Kojo could sense just like his dad that something was bothering his mama. Running right onto her lap, digging his face under her neck. Lucy instantly smiling. Kojo always gave her comfort when she needed it. Tim, sitting beside her and gliding his thumb over her cheek to dry a small spot where tears had previously fallen. As he looked down towards the coffee table and saw the RSVP card. He knew. He didn't even have to peek inside to see who the reply was from. It made him see red while breaking his heart all at the same time. How could anyone want to purposely hurt his ball of sunshine? She has the biggest heart and loves with no boundaries. Always selflessly helping and supporting anyone that walks into her life. He feels beyond grateful for how she has endlessly supported and loved him through the years, through all the darkness and showed undying love to him. Even when they weren't a couple and when he probably didn't deserve her love. There were many times Tim felt he was undeserving but she did anyway. No hesitation. No reservation. The fact her own parents show such callousness towards their daughter. Not seeing how she is the most wonderful and amazing person. Choosing not to love and support her in any aspect of her life in pure spite. Tim motioned her towards his chest. "Come here, baby" Lucy cradled herself into his chest. "It's ok sweetheart, I got you" lovingly whispered Tim.

"I don't know why I'm surprised. I shouldn't even feel hurt anymore. I'm used to this from them. Why do I continuously relive the hurt and disappointment"

"Luce. Because that is who you are. You love whole heartedly. You love when people aren't deserving of your love. Trust me, I know first hand. Along with that comes the risk of getting hurt. Baby, I know they're your parents but they don't deserve you. The fact they can't see what a truly amazing daughter they have and that's on them. You have a whole family who loves you unconditionally. That includes me, just in case that wasn't clear" chuckling Tim.

"I love you so much, Timothy Bradford. You're pretty easy to love"

"I love you, Lucy Chen. Almost Bradford"

"I had an idea"

"Lay it on me, Chen"

"I was thinking of maybe asking Grey to walk me down the aisle. Do you think that would he appropriate? Maybe it's too much. I don't know. He has always been a father figure to me. He has been such a support in my life, ever since I came in as a hot shot rookie" Lucy smirking.

"Luce. First of all you were a hot shot rookie. I should have known the impact you would have on me from your very first day. Second, I think that is a great idea. Grey loves you like a daughter, he always has. I think there is no better person to give you away. I would bet money he will be so honoured to be that person for you"

"Ok. I am going to talk to him tomorrow"

"Good. Now let's turn on some of that trashy reality TV and enjoy the rest of our day off with our boy" Kojo still resting his sprawled out torso over his mom and dad.

The next day, Lucy nervously sauntered into Greys office before she went out on patrol. "Good morning sir, I was wondering if I could have a quick word with you" Grey leaning back in his chair. "Of course, officer Chen. What can I do for you? Is everything ok?"

"Everything is good. I just have something personal to discuss with you"

"I'm all ears"

"So as you know I don't have the greatest relationship with my parents. With Tim's support I extended an olive branch out to them. Inviting them to be a part of the wedding. I don't know why I was surprised but they have declined to come"

"Oh Lucy, I am so sorry"

"Thank you, sir. They have never supported or accepted my life choices. Starting with me becoming a police officer. Tim is also a cop. They obviously also don't support our relationship. Basically, all of my life choices are not what they envisioned for me. Therefore, they are not willing to be a part of my life"

"That is really too bad they can't look beyond what they had envisioned to see what you have become. What you have overcame. You are the strongest and most capable officer LA has ever seen. Nothing breaks you. It has been an honour to watch you excel in everything you do. Not only professionally but watching how you have changed that grumpy previous TO. You brought him out of the darkness, Lucy. You really did. He was a shell of a man after Isabel and I have never seen him happier since you walked into his life"

Lucy had tears streaming down her olive skin cheeks.

"Thank you sir. You have always been such a mentor to me and always supporting me. I can't put into words what that means to me. Both my career and my relationship with Tim. We are BOTH so grateful. That brings me to why I came in here...I hope this isn't overstepping but I was wondering. I was hoping. Maybe, you would give me away..walk me down the aisle?"

"Lucy. Nothing would make me happier than to be the one to give you away m. It would be my absolute honour"

"Thank you so much, sir"

Grey stood up walking towards Lucy. Extending his arms out. "Bring it in" Lucy burying her head on Greys shoulder. Realizing in that moment how right Tim was when he reassured her that she had a real family who whole heartedly loved her.

Tim had returned to the station after an operation with Metro. Seeing his fiancée walk towards him with one of her deliriously happy smiles. That is what made him the happiest, is seeing her so happy. Gosh, he couldn't wait for her to be his wife. To spend the rest of his life with this beautiful, amazing woman.

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑵𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑫 ~ 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now