𝑹𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔𝒂𝒍, 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒇 𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒔

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Tim thought some dynamics of a traditional wedding were mind boggling. Him and Isabel didn't have a normal wedding adhering to all the traditions. Now, he understood most of the traditional values of weddings. But the rehearsal dinner. That seemed something they didn't need. Tim, did not in any way need to "rehearse" marrying the love of his life. At first he fought this. In the end all he wanted to do was make Lucy happy. That's all that mattered to him. He eventually understood that Lucy had dreamt of this special day since she was a little girl. Unlike Tim, she wouldn't be getting a redo. Now, Tim never regretted marrying Isabel. He really did love her. They had a whirlwind romance. They fell in love. They just wanted to be married before Isabel started her UC journey. So, a planned wedding wasn't a part of their plan. Lucy was different. Their love story was so much unlike his first marriage. Their love was so much more. They had taken their time. Way to much time if you ask their Wilshire family. They did everything the right way. Not getting physical right away. Went on dates. Eventually, their relationship had a natural progression. Now, after they did get physical. They couldn't get enough of each other. Never wanting to be apart from one another. It wasn't long before Tim was spending most nights at Lucy's. This was a different love for Tim. Not to take away what he felt in his first marriage but Lucy was the love of his life. So if she wanted to do all the traditions for their wedding, he would never take that away from her.

The day before the rehearsal dinner. Lucy had noticed her fiancés lack of enthusiasm for it. It was making Lucy insecure. Was he getting cold feet? Since they were getting married in the park beside the food truck. The rehearsal dinner was going to be held at the Lopez-Evers residence, in their backyard. Lucy had just wanted a casual barbecue as the wedding was going to catered with all the trimmings. A good ol fashion barbecue. Tim was at least thankful she wasn't going overboard with this dinner. As Tim
And Lucy were having some downtime together. Snuggling on the couch. Tim felt a shockwave hit him as Lucy spoke.

"Tim. Be honest. Your not getting cold feet, are you?

"WHAT!?! Luce where is this coming from?"

"I just see that you aren't very enthusiastic the last couple days as we planned the rehearsal barbecue and it's leaving me feeling insecure"

"Baby. No. Not for a second am I getting cold feet. Sweetheart, I can't wait to marry you. For you to be my wife. I have never been more sure of anything in my life. It's just..."

"Just what, Tim?"

"The rehearsal dinner seems silly to me. I don't need to rehearse marrying you. The wedding is all I need to show you that you are my one true love. I can do that blindfolded. I know it's part of the tradition of weddings. I'm so sorry, baby. Don't think for one second that I have any doubts because I never have and I never will. I have wanted to marry you for so damn long. I know how much these traditions mean to you. I'm good, I promise. I'm truly sorry if I made you doubt anything"

"Ok. I know. It's not your thing. That's why I wanted to keep it casual with just a normal barbecue with our family. It just really means a lot to me to honour the traditions as much as possible. Thank you for respecting that"

"Oh, baby. I will always respect you in every way. I'm fully on board, I promise"

Lucy & Tim (Bride and Groom)
Tamara (MOH)
Angela (Best Woman)
Jack (Ring Bearer)
Lily (Flower Girl)
Wade (Stand in father for Lucy)
Wes (Master of Ceremony)
Genny & Tim's Nephews
Nyla & James
Nolan & Bailey

The next day everyone had gathered at Angela and Wesley's home for the rehearsal barbecue. Since Grey was walking Lucy down the aisle they had asked Wesley to perform the ceremony. He was one of Tim's best friends through Angela but never the less the two men had become very close over the years. Wes was a lawyer, so it was nothing for him to be ordained and also able to be a witness for their marriage license. Angela and Nyla had decorated the backyard so nicely. Balloons and a big board full of pictures of both Tim and Lucy. Since they had all witnesses the proposal. Angela was able to capture the moment on her phone and that picture was front the center on their wedding board.

Everyone enjoyed the evening. Starting with all the barbecue fixings. Hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad and drinks, of course. Then came the reason they were all there for. Wes asked everyone to take their positions. Tim at the altar with Angela by his side. Wes front and center beside Tim. Lily walked down spreading flowers down the make shift aisle. With Patrice, Jack came holding a small pillow where the rings will be placed. Then came Tamara to stand beside her mom. As she walked down the aisle gave her dad a wink and smile. Tim had a tear escape his eye so proud of his now daughter. Next came Wade with the bride, Lucy walking towards the altar. Even though Tim was skeptical about this rehearsal dinner. Him being able to see his bride walk towards him twice gave him literal butterflies. She looked beautiful like she always does. His only thought was how in the world would he be able to control himself when she walked towards him in her dress. He knew without seeing it, she was going to look absolutely gorgeous. Wes went through the traditional parts of the ceremony. Tim and Lucy wanted to save their vows until the wedding. They rehearsed the "I do's". Tim planted a passionate kiss well before Wes was able to get out "you may now kiss your bride" Everyone began to roar. Tim Bradford was something no one could of ever imagined. A love sick man. Deeply in love with Lucy Chen. She is and had been for a long time, his forever.

As the night winded down. Tim was going to honour Lucy's traditional wishes. They would spend the night apart. Lucy and Tamara would spend the night at home. Tim was going to spend the night at Angela and Wes's. Tim drove his bride to be and daughter home where he was also going to pick up his tux to bring back with him. At the apartment. He grabbed his tux and said his "goodbyes". First saying goodnight to his daughter. "Keep your mom in line" he said with a smirk. "It's a big day tomorrow" adding Tim. "No promises, Dad" replying Tamara. "You two are nothing but trouble. I love you kiddo and I can't wait to see you in your beautiful maid of honour dress tomorrow" whispered Tim. "I love you, dad. Get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow." laughing Tamara. Tamara went to her room to give her mom and dad a moment together for the last time before they become husband and wife. Tim cupped Lucy's face. "Alright. My beautiful bride. Time for me to go. I love you so much and next time I see you I will see you in your gorgeous dress. I can't wait to marry you, my love" whispering Tim. "I love you so much, handsome. Thank you for choosing me. I'm the luckiest girl in the world that I get to become a Bradford tomorrow. Us four will be a official family tomorrow" Lucy softly added. "Baby, we are already a family but you will become a Bradford tomorrow and nothing in this world makes me happier thinking of that moment. I love you, sweetheart. See you tomorrow" giving Lucy a long, passionate kiss as he opened the door and left for Angela's.

Tomorrow Lucy will become Lucy Bradford. She was finally going to have her magical moment with the man of her dreams. She never thought she could love anyone the way she loves Tim Bradford. Their perfect family was going to be honoured tomorrow. Lucy, Tim, Tamara and Kojo. With hopefully baby Bradford's to come.

Up Next: The Wedding

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑵𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑫 ~ 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now