Chapter Seven

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This was taken during January. It's not great but I like being able to take pictures of the stars and constellations lol

Happy reading guys!!

Hope you enjoy this chapter :D

And thanks @StarfireDragonStorm for the idea about a certain character!! I'll do my best to include it as much as I can :D

Ratchet: Alright, shoo! Go, get to reading you humans! I have work to do...And I don't need more distractions, Wheeljack is more than enough.


"Come on, just a little further!" Optimus encouraged Koda. A bright smile was on his face as he saw his Conjunx let go of the bars that were helping her walk. Her legs were still a little shaky but they were gaining muscle. Though it had only been a few months, the woman had pushed herself. Ratchet also had a theory that the Energon had helped the healing process. He knew it had to be that, as normal humans never healed this fast.

It had been about two and a half months since she'd taken her first step again. Koda had overworked herself, sometimes she wasn't even able to get up from bed. And would remain in her Primes or Sires chassis as she was too worn out to do anything. But those day's didn't stop her from moving forward. It only encouraged her to do better.

"I-I'm doing it!" The woman moved her feet forward. She was picking up her speed. And within the moment she was nearly running to her Prime's holoform.

Optimus was surprised that Koda was going so fast, but before he knew it he'd been engulfed in a tight embrace. He returned it gently, "You did it Little Bear."

Then a hand was ruffling through his hair. Followed by a light giggle.

The Primes facial features went from happy to slightly annoyed, though a small smile still showed on his face, "You can't leave it alone can you?"

"It looks cuter when it's fluffy," Koda's left hand fell down the man's face. Her hand caressed his cheek gently. She moved her thumb back and forth gently, "You know what you should do?"

"What's that my dear?" Optimus leaned into Koda's touch slightly. Her slightly worn hand was rather comforting. He frowned slightly when she removed her hand.

But it fell against his side, and her right hand fell on his shoulder, "Dance with me."


"Pst, Soundwave!"

The former Decepticon turned around, his tentacles remained typing on the keyboard. He turned to see Smokescreen coming up beside him.

"Question: What?"

"Have you seen the two love birds?" The mech asked, pointing to the monitor.

Soundwave shook his helm, "Statement: No I haven't. Last time I heard they were working on getting Koda walking."

"And where would that be?" The former rookie asked, a bit impatient. He just needed to know where they were. The young mech had a question he needed to ask.

If the dark mech's visor wasn't on then Smokescreen would have most certainly seen the optic roll which came from Soundwave. He turned back to the monitor and opened up the cameras, it took a moment but he found Optimus and Koda.

Except...Soundwave saw his friend doing something that he hadn't done in a long time, "He's...dancing?"

Smokescreen didn't even notice Soundwave speak in his real voice. Rather he was just staring at the screen, shocked, "What?!"

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