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Author p.o.v.

Taehyung was right now in payal's apartment he was also helping her just cause he don't wanna see her sad taehyung isn't aware Y/n is with jimin what if he get to know what will happen then it's been more then 24 hours Y/n is missing shika also didn't went to her job on sunday taehyung was not attending any meeting on his office his meetings are important but for him payal is more important.

Payal:- why are we here rather then finding her ? We should leave from here

-payal said getting up from couch after finding Y/n for whole night they all are gathered in there apartment to discuss what we have to do next-

Taehyung:- yes we will find her don't stress Urself

- taehyung said getting up as well he knows she is stressed alot and love her sister's so much-

Payal:- Sir I can't just sit here and hope that I'll find her like this I want my sister back without any injury on her

-payal look towards him and tears gather in her eyes she just got chills when she thought what if something happen to her-

Shika:- didi plzz be strong let's go outside we have lots of places left we will find her

- she said and stand beside her sister taehyung is standing infront of them payal and shika get ready and left to see other place taehyung told shika to go with rose he and payal will go in different direction and u both too -


Time skip

It's evening payal is looking out of window with tears in her eyes taehyung is sitting beside her in driving sit they almost visit every station and ever place they know but they didn't find an single trace about her .

Taehyung p.o.v.

I don't know but I just can't find her this is first time I didn't find someone I always find my enemies and those who betrayed me but why can't her she is just normal girl whoever did this is mastermind didn't left any proof behind all CCTV cameras are off when she got kidnapped then I look beside me only to see her sobbing silently she went outside of car I also did same and went towards her I told her not to cry we will find her don't worry she just burst in tears she really love her sister's alot I feel like I should hug her and comfort her first I was hesitate to do that but can't hold my self and hug her softly she is still crying I pat her back and didn't say anything let her cry after maximum 10 minutes she cried like an Little kid then she back of and look towards me and said sorry .

Taehyung:- u don't have to be sorry I'm glad u are comfortable around me we will find her don't loss ur hopes.

Payal:- I want my sister back -she said while sobbing-

Payal:- sir..... I'm sorry I b-bother u so much u can go I'll find my sister...... U don't have to skip ur meetings for us .

- she said with broken voice how can she think this she is not bothering me not at all I just want to make her feel better I want help her I can't see her like this all stressed and sad she needs my help I know but I also know that she is someone who don't take help from anyone she do everything by herself her pride don't let her ask for help that's what I love about her the most she is looking at me for an answer but I don't know what to say then something unexpected words come out from my mouth -

Taehyung:- I'm not doing this for u but for me .

-she looked at me with shocked expression I don't know what did I just say what I said is true I'm doing this for myself I want her to trust me if I'll leave her in this tough situation then I don't think she will think me as an good human I'm not an good human but for her I can be one then she said -

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