Chapter - 24

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Well, after the incident, Payal and Taehyung find themselves drawn together, their connection growing stronger as they navigate the aftermath. The shadow of the past incident lingers, adding an air of tension to their interactions. Meanwhile, Jungkook's pursuit of Shika takes on a more sinister tone. He becomes persistent, almost obsessive in his efforts to keep in touch with her. Shika, torn between fear and intrigue, can't help but feel a certain unease around Jungkook. Is he truly the good person he portrays himself to be?


Y/n is in a truly nightmarish situation, trying her best to distance herself from Jimine. The moment she opened that door, she was confronted with a chilling reality that surpassed her worst fears. The room was a horrifying sight, with blood, sharp objects, and chains attached to the walls. And the maid she had seen before, now lying lifeless in a pool of her own blood, her body brutally mutilated. Y/n's mind is racing with questions and fears. Why does Jimine need her? Is there any twisted form of love involved, or is he simply planning to use her and then end her life? The shock and horror drive her to flee, desperately running back to her room. It's a truly terrifying situation, and I can only imagine the fear and adrenaline coursing through Y/n's veins.

Y/n's heart sank as she closed the door behind her and threw herself onto the bed. Overwhelmed by fear and confusion, she couldn't help but reflect on how she ended up in this terrifying situation. The image of the lifeless maid haunted her thoughts, and she questioned why such a senseless act of violence had occurred. Did Jimine truly believe that human life meant nothing? Tears streamed down her face as she longed for the comfort and support of her sisters, yearning to embrace them and share her harrowing experiences. Y/n couldn't comprehend Jimine's motives-first hurting her, then showing concern. She knew she had to devise a plan to escape this place, no matter the cost. Remaining here any longer would surely push her to the brink of insanity.

Y/n's hope to escape pushed her towards the window, but she soon realized that it wasn't a safe option. She knew Jimin wouldn't keep her on the ground floor if he wanted to prevent her from leaving. With bodyguards everywhere, it felt impossible to make a break for it right now. Feeling defeated and tired from crying, she returned to bed and fell asleep, even though her thoughts were still troubled. Sleep offered a temporary escape from her difficult situation.


Time skip

Y/n's eyes fluttered open, only to find herself tightly held in his arms. She looked up at him, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and surprise. It was him, the one person she least expected to encounter in that room. She struggled to break free from his grasp, but her efforts proved futile. He slowly opened his eyes, his gaze piercing into her soul. "Are you scared of what you saw?" he asked, his voice laced with an unsettling knowledge. Y/n knew he was aware of her actions earlier in the day, even though she thought she had been alone. It sent shivers down her spine, realizing that he had been watching her every move through the cameras in the room. The feeling of being constantly observed added an extra layer of unease to her already tense situation.

Y/n, unable to find her voice, struggled to rise from his grip once more, but her attempts were in vain. Tears streamed down her face as she felt a mix of fear and confusion. Jimin's expression softened, and he released his hold on her waist. She quickly stood up, her heart racing, while he remained lying on the bed, shirtless. It dawned on her that he must have entered the room while she was in a deep slumber, silently joining her without her knowledge. She stood there, frozen like a statue, unsure of what to do next. Jimin broke the silence, his voice filled with curiosity, "I asked you something, did you see that, princess?"

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