The experiments

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Saira's P.O.V:

I've been stuck in my cell after that mean ol' crazy man in metal, along Eric Sacks found me and made me one of their experiments.

But I wasn't alone, I had my plants, and these cute little animals who're experiments just like me, with that weird green ooze those crazy guys injected in me and them.

Four baby turtles, and a rat. Though the four has a colored dot so I know which one is who. Leonardo, the kind blue one I really like, and he seems to like me too, and shows good respect.

Raphael, the strong red one, He may seem harsh sometimes, even bit my thumb when we first met, but he has a kind soul and likes the challenges I kindly share with him, training with my plants, even loves bonking heads with my harmless yet tough headed Venus flytrappers along my pet puppy one, Chomper.

Donatello, The intelligent purple one, he seems to really like books and machines, he even rests on my shoulder to read a book with me.

And finally, Michelangelo, The playful orange one, he really likes Pizza a lot more than his brothers, and loves to play with me, even my belly tickle attacks.

And the rat is Splinter. Wise, kind, and very understandable. He even helps me at my times of sadness and anxiety if we'll ever escape this awful place, along the turtles.


I never reveal myself to the human who's been looking after them, Mr. O'Neil I believe he was called with his daughter.

I keep myself hidden within my plants so he won't see me. And it's thanks to the mutation I've gotten thanks to my mom. I just hope she's okay at Gotham, knowing she's Poison Ivy, and if Batman doesn't beat her up like the jerk he is.

She may be a villain, but she's still my beloved mom. However, whenever I think of those awful people of this laboratory, and my mom getting beaten up, even my dear animal friends getting hurt, I feel so much anger. And I suddenly feel this change coursing through me, this urge to protect the ones I care and love.

But then I smelled smoke... A fire!! It was spreading everywhere! I have to get out!

But then I felt a little off, then look at myself to see I have... paws? Dog paws...Nah, seem more wolf than any normal dog, But I'm green too.

I looked at my reflection on the glass of my cell and see, I'm actually a wolf! Made of plant! I also notice my sclera is black instead of white. Okay, if this is what the green ooze did to me, Than I don't mind, It's really cool. Now I just gotta get out and save Leo and the others!

I rammed my big wolf body at the glass a couple times, till it's started cracking, and I was finally out! I run off to follow the smell of my friends somewhere else in the laboratory, while my plants were growing stronger and escaping with Chomper.

Then I finally found them, But there's the girl from before with them, who's startled by my appearance. she seems a few years older than I am.

I know I don't trust humans much anymore, but I know this girl means well if she's saving my friends, I nudge my head to my back and knelt down. She looked at me confused, I sighed then nudged my head to my back again with a light and gentle bark this time. She seemed to understand now and nodded.

She carefully puts Splinter and the turtles on my furry back neck, and she hopped onto my back. We were off, and now out of the burning building, I had to stay in an alleyway so nobody would see me. I gently grabbed the girl with my leaf tentacles and put her down off my back.

I nudge her with my head to get going, but she turned around to look at me and my friends in concern. However, I gave her an assuring smile, letting her know we'll be safe.

And that seemed to work for her, and she ran off, exiting the alleyway while we went to the other side to go deeper and in the shadows.

We kept going, but I stopped. I can't risk keeping my friends with me all the time, Sacks and that crazy metal demon will be hunting us if they find out we're still alive and together.

I noticed a storm drain, and carefully put them down to try and change back to my human look, thinking about it changed me back.

But it looks like my transformation had my skin change color into green with plant linings all over my body, even on the water's reflection my sclera's still black. I picked them up and carefully put them by the storm drain for their safety.

Leonardo and Michelangelo tried to resist and grabbed onto my hands for me to stay. I felt very sorry for them, "I'm so sorry, guys. But I have to go. It's for your safety, along mine." I spoke for the first time.

I carefully got Leo and Mickey off my hands and be with their brothers and Splinter. "But don't worry, I'll never forget you. We'll see each other again, I promise." I swore an oath, gently petting Mickey and stroke Leo with affection. Then I looked at Splinter, "Take good care of them, Okay?" I asked him.

He nodded, understanding me. I smiled in appreciation, then I had to go on my own. Still dirty and covered in ash with my old dress I've worn my whole childhood, all dirty and a bit worn out.

Which led the start of my life in the shadows as a vigilante, Over the many years to survive, remain unseen, and train hard, I've grown now as a teen. And fought against the Foot clan who've caused nothing but pain and chaos on New York.

None has seen me, However they know I exist with proof of plants, wolf claw and bite marks on the Foot clan members police have caught, equipment, and their logo.

And the public gave me a title on the news, Now known as

The 'Dryad Wolf'.

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