Hi everyone

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Hi everyone! I know it's been a very long time since i've come onto here. I would like to apologize first for leaving you all on a quite literal horrible cliff hanger lmao.

In all honesty I lost all motivation to continue my stories and fell into a trapped place. I have decided to not continue updating my two stories that I've published because in all honesty they are actually horribly written and should be buried below the depths of hell.

I will like to say that I have been slowly moving back into my Draco era and I have been considering getting back into creating stories for you all. Now I don't want to officially say that I will be releasing new stories because I am very unsure right now.

For now I would love to here all of your guys suggestions or interests of possible Draco x Reader stories you're all interested reading about!

For now have an amazing day/might and please comment any stories you guys are interested reading about! And thank you all for the support you've given my previous two stories and hopefully I will be releasing new content for you all.


The Toxic Slytherin King and Queen | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now