Haruki's older sister

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Senko comes to visit her boyfriend and someone answers the door. Her eyes widen and she stares at the beautiful girl standing there. Sakura Tenma was her boyfriend's older sister. She could be a tad overprotective of her little brother but she also had a "yandere" side to her personality. This side would come out whenever someone made fun of her brother. Sakura stated that her brother had just gone out but he would be back soon. They went into the living room. Senko was still in awe of how beautiful and cool she looked.

"You must be Haruki's girlfriend, is that right?" Sakura asked

"Yeah, I am." Senko replied

"So, you're a second year at Miyaji Academy. How did you meet my brother?" Sakura asked

"I bumped into him on my way to homeroom one day. That was our first time meeting each other." Senko said

"Interesting." Sakura stated

"After that moment, we started spending more and more time together. Then before I knew it, we were in love with each other. So, we're boyfriend and girlfriend now." Senko said

"Just promise me something." Sakura whispered

"What is it?" Senko asked

"Don't go and break his heart, I cannot see him go through something like that again." Sakura replied

"I'm always going to protect Haruki, no matter what happens, he will always be by my side. I'm his protector!" Senko cried

Someone opened the door and Sakura knew who it was. Haruki came into the living room and noticed his girlfriend talking to his older sister. Sakura stated that her little brother made the right choice and stared at his girlfriend. Senko blushed and this made the older girl laugh.

Sakura was referred to as the "Thundering Lion", by everyone at her school and this was because of the way she acted around people who got on her nerves. She would also break out and attack people that had problems with. Sakura also had a brutal and aggressive side just like her brother. This side also blended into her yandere side and made her feared by the male students.

Haruki and Sakura had their own sibling rivalry. Haruki was strong and extremely athletic, while his older sister focused on getting into college and making something herself. This led to them always trying to outdo each other. Haruki won multiple awards for his athleticism and sporting prowess. Sakura did enjoy sports but mainly focused on fencing. She tried teaching her little brother but he could not keep up.

Haruki focused on aggressive sports such as boxing and kickboxing. This was where his punk bad boy side came from and he often go into fights during his time in Middle School. People gave him the nickname of "Palm-Top Tiger", and this made him feared by everyone. This fear continued until his second year of high school. Haruki got expelled from him old school for fighting too much and injuring several students who got in his way. Haruki decided to change his violent ways and he became more of a typical bad boy, which was different to his previous violent moniker. People still referred to him using the "Palm-Top Tiger" nickname, but he was used to it by this point.

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