Idia and Ortho - Sebek and Silver

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The dark figure in our dorm's yard, was unmistakable, and like in his prior appearances, I jogged to him as soon as I noticed it.


- VDC you say? Are you actually trying to invite me to this?- asked our visitor.
- Why yes...The boys have been working hard, I assure you, it's stunning! And well... As fun, as it is following your "Will-o'-the-wisp", I would like to be around you more. - but realizing the possible implications, I soon backed - Only if you want to of course! -

Much as his Fae companion, Tsunotarou laughed at my expenses leaving me with my lingering smile and owlish confused eyes.
- You really seem to know no fear. - he smiled broadly - Very well. I humbly accept your invitation.- and I grinned back, hoping that he would not just bully me soon after.

- Will you be going on stage? -
- Ah no! I'm their "manager", as Vil likes to call me. - I giggled in respons.
- mmm a shame...- and my sofr laugh soon turned into a flustered chuckle.
- Crowley didn't want to risk other schools finding out I am a girl. You never know what accident can happen. Ha ha ha - I reminisced.
- Mm yes I can see that. Lilia told me he discovered it accidentally as well. -

I thought back to each event. Practically everyone was surprised, and I started feeling a little insecure about the all thing - ...Tsunotaro, you think...Am I... perhaps, not feminine enough? -
He threw me a weirded look in response - I mean, nobody ever noticed till seeing my... More prominent features. And is not like I'm going so much out of my way to hide it! So you know...- and getting awkward in my own implying I scratched the back of my head.

He hummed and smiled beautifully - No, I think you're plenty. - his words in that moment, were without an inch of tease - I think the beauty of your femininity is enhanced by your boyish charm.-
- Wai..what!? -
- I'm looking forward to the day of the show Goodnight (Yuu).- *puff* and he left me standing in a blushing mess.

- Tsunotaro thinks I am beautiful...- I sighed dreamily - and he looked happy for the invitation. I'm glad.-


A couple of days before the culture fair I made my way to Mr. S's Mystery Shop - Gooood morning Sam! How is it going? -
- Hello (Yuu), very well thank you. Radiant as always are you? hahaha. -
- Of course! My deliver has arrived yet? - I scanned the shelves.
- The pile is right there next to the Grimoire. - he pointed. - You almost got them this time. -

- Uff... I don't understand why they're so... slippery. They've been so kind to sell all those manga for such a low price. I would really like to thank them face to face no? - I huffed.
- They are elusive indeed. - commented Sam - Sorry, but he begged me multiple times not to say a word. - "excused" the shopper with a wink. He wasn't sorry at all, he just enjoyed seeing my frustration.
- Yeah yeah... I'm not here just for those; we need to refill our team. - and I handed him the list of ingredients.


- Another pile? - Commented Grim.
- I know right?- completely missing his point. - And for like 500 Madol??? - I gawked.
- Shopping again Trickster? - I nodded happily to Rook - and...Have you seen them this time? - he added.
- Nah. Again, they ran away immediately. - I climbed the stairs to pose my new collection - And it's... so frustrating? Like sometimes they go for an hour via chat, talking about what I should watch or read, his thoughts and theories... but then they shut down completely with a:
"Sry I'm such an otaku lmao bye.'" - I mimicked a digiting gesture - and after they avoid me for days. -

- Would you like for me to do a little research? - asked the hunter with a sharp smile., thank you for...the thought. I guess? - I smiled awkwardly.
What I didn't know then was that he already discovered the identity of my seller.

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