Chapter 12: Change of Plans!

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"Ara ara~ it's a coincidence to meet you here Kiyotaka and Kei~" Arisu said with a smug grin as she politely bowed.

The appearance of Arisu attracted the attention of those around the café especially due to the recent developments of Kiyotaka's and Arisu's relationship.

Karuizawa stunned, stared at Arisu with disbelief for a moment before looking down with a look of disappointment.

Kiyotaka observed the two and noted, "Hm... So Arisu had planned this from the start. To not only tear a rift between Karuizawa and I but also likely establish a hirearchy above Karuizawa."

"I could see this play out, and let Arisu owe me a solid or I could excuse myself from the situation, maintaing my relationship with Karuizawa and my ability to control class D." Kiyotaka thought.

"Kei you wanted to say something earlier, did you mean to tell me you had to meet up with Arisu?" Kiyotaka asked.

When Arisu wanted to interject, Kei quickly shook her head and mumbles softly, "you see... I was wondering if we should go somewhere else like Karaoke or maybe something you would enjoy. I do want to spend time and get to know you better after all Kiyotaka."

Kiyotaka simply nods and offers his hand and extends it out. "I see. Shall we make a move?"

Kei with her eyes widen, smiles brightly and nods. Her face was slightly blushed and had a look of relief that could only be described as someone seeing light out of a tunnel from a desperate situation.

As Kei reached out for Kiyotaka's hand, Kiyotaka bows slightly to Arisu and apologize in a manner that allowed everyone in the room to listen.

"I apologize Arisu for the sudden departure. I promised to spend some time with Kei during lunch break today to return a favour she had helped me with earlier. Let's spend some time together after school today. I'll text you the details later."

Arisu gently smiles and bows. She politely said in a meek manner, "Please you don't have to apologize. It was rude of me to suddenly intrude into your conversation. Please have an enjoyable time my friend."

As the two of them left, Arisu remained calm and put on a sly smile. In reality, she was bitter and filled to the brim with frustration that her plan did not come to fruition.

Arisu proceeded to receive a text from Kiyotaka reading, "Sorry Arisu, she has yet to outlive her usefulness."

She thought to herself, "A message like that is just meant to comfort me slightly in making me think that she is just perceived as a tool. However in reality, it just puts me on edge as it means he likely just sees me as a..."

However, before Arisu could complete the sentance a following message could be seen. "I hope the person that is supposed to be teaching me feelings isn't getting insecure."

This caused Arisu to relax. Rather than the forced sly smile, her facial muscles relaxed and caused her to smile in a more genuine manner.

She giggled to herself thinking to herself, "Fufu~ even though you're emotionless you're surprisingly snarky in reality."

Arisu replied, "touché, you got me."

Kiyotaka sent a picture of Kei gently punching his arm with the caption. "She found out about the reason."

Arisu eyes widen and let out a small giggle. "Reason for what?" Arisu asked.

"Reason why I gave short answers during the lunch. I told her I was too preoccupied thinking." Kiyotaka responded.

Arisu began laughing softly. "That must be a relief to hear for Kei I think."

Kiyotaka replied, "Please send help, I am getting constantly nagged at by Kei on social etiquette."

Arisu only responded with a grave sticker.

Satisfied for now. Arisu left the table and walked over to class A, planning to spend more time with Kiyotaka after school.

Author's Note:
Sorry for the relatively short chapter.
Having trouble thinking of ways to continue the plot while keeping them relatively in character.

Another short chapter would probably come out soon covering Kiyotaka's perspective on the remainder of the lunch.

Anyway wanted to let you guys know that the main reason for the delay was continuation. Other reasons was gacha games like FGO JP and food poisoning :P

I am all better now don't worry. Will try to update more frequently. Do let me know what else you want to see out of the story and I'll see if it's possible to integrate it with the story.

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