Prolouge// 'Awve Hapxì

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31. 5. 2134

Loud, everywhere were Sounds. Blinding Lights, a mixture of a blazing Rainbow. A Technicolar Dream. A Symbol of progress, now a Deathtrap for a Free mind.

Times had shifted, Humanitys Greed won over Natures Graze. The once blue Planet now a Wasteland of Pollution.

But not all Nature had seized. Only the Rich were the sight of Trees, clean air and the Sound of birds still granted. A Luxury in the begining of the 22th Century.

Like Alexander Cosby. A Man with frizzy, white hair and brown eyes. As Famous as the Smog over what was once Topeka.

Now, no one recognized it anymore, another copy of another copy. Like a Clockwork. Everwhere spread Cities like this and gave the over 20 Billion people on Earth a Home. Or at least they tried too.

The Sound of genetically modified birds echoed in the Room as He heard the door open. He did'nt turn as He already knew who it was.

"Hello, Mr. Moore. As i've seen, my message reached you. What a pleasant suprise."

He heard a Chair shift behind him and the Sound of Liquid being poured into a Glas. Only then, he turned to the dark skinned Man, a slight frown on his Face at the smell of the Ginn. But it quickly dissapeared as He sat infront of him.

"Davison" Alexander paused slightly "You know, why you're here, right?"

Davison Moore nodded, before pulling out a Holographic Tablet. Alexanders expression barely changed as He saw the Sum of Money on it.

A Gift from his old Friend, but he was also suprised by Davisons Trust into his work.

"You know how valuable Trust is in These times, right?" Alexanders Voice was cold, but there was a slight edge to it.

Davison nodded, he was a Man with few words and even fewer acts of Kindness.

"Then...Do you Trust me? My work?"

Alexander sat up, expecting a true answer. Davison never lied, he knew that from his years of working togehter. His Gaze lied on the paper, the last step to his Goal. His personal Holy grail.

"I do"

The words were spoken, like it was just Business. To them, it was just that. Business. But to others, it would rip their lifes away, make their greastest nightmares come to life.

And in that moment, a woman named Taron Moreno woke up in her 1-room apartment.

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